Chapter 15 (Part 1)

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A/N: Short chapter because the next part is where it gets super intense. It's also because I'm really tired. I promise that the next chapter will be longer.

If you could only see the beast you've made of me
I held it in but now it seems you've set it running free
Screaming in the dark, I howl when we're apart
drag my teeth across your chest to taste your beating heart

-Florence + the Machine, Howl

The mark of the Crimson Dragon brought you all together. It symbolized the bond between you and your friends. It glowed when one of you were in despair and it shone when it counted the most. That was your fear though....would it be there during this fight?

You stare at your mark as it burned your skin so viciously. Dark Magician Girl and Empyrean Empress both felt a sense of danger lurking from within the ancient house. Yusei began to think of what his father had told him earlier. He shakes his head and speaks carefully, "We have to get out of here. None of us know if the shadow spirits will actually strike here at this exact location. We have to be wary." You were about to reply when the entrance to the house caved in.

Moments later, you hear someone cackle from another room. You all become aware of the dark presence. That was when Veiyan appeared before you all. Veiyan wore a look of fake disappointment, "How shameful. Here I thought that the mighty humans would be more determined than this." Jack growls, "Shut it, you bastard! You made others suffer because of your stupid actions! We'll make sure that you pay!" Veiyan replies, "I think your downfall is something I'd rather see, mortal!" Jack was about to reply when you began to speak, "You've taken many lives with your inhumane heart. We will avenge them, no matter what." The charmers along with your other spirits wore looks of determination. Veiyan adds, "I don't want to fight all of you, that would be a pain." He points to you, "I only wish to fight the person who sent me back to the shadows two millennia ago." He goes on, "You filthy humans will fight my loyal servants." You were suddenly separated from your friends again. You yell, "Guys!"

Yusei and Jack were just as shocked as everyone else. Jack became angry, "If this wall wasn't here, I'd rip that shadow spirit to shreds!" Yusei replies, "No offense, but we both know that you'd lose that fight." Two shadow creatures appear before the two boys. Jack adds, "Hey, Yusei. Let's get rid of those vile things together." Yusei nods in response. They both said, "Let's duel!"

Akiza, Leo and Luna groan in pain. When three shadow spirits appeared, they all stood quickly. Akiza said, "This is it. Now, there's more at stake." They all spoke with their fighting spirit, "Let's go!"

You stood before Veiyan, his cold orbs resonating a look of menace. You held your head in pain, as you saw many scenes appear in your mind. Veiyan laughs, "What's wrong? Has my presence made you surrender already?" You spoke in an inhuman voice, startling Veiyan. That voice however, was Empyrean Empress in her true form. She said, "Veiyan, you caused agony among both worlds. You will feel the wrath of my power, you filthy shadow creature." Your voice goes back to normal, "I will make you pay for hurting the people I love and care for." You said, "Veiyan, let's duel!" He smirks in response, "Couldn't have said it better, Maiden."

You knew that there was more at stake now. The lives of many others, the city could lose it all. You see Empyrean Empress in her true physical form, it shocked you at first.

She then spoke truthfully, "You are my reincarnation, Y/N

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She then spoke truthfully, "You are my reincarnation, Y/N. We must fight as one. Together we can defeat the shadow spirits and restore peace in New Domino City." You nod, "With the power of the Crimson Dragon and the powers I possess as your reincarnation, we will have to do everything we can to banish them." You then realize that your appearance had changed drastically to match Empyrean Empress.

Veiyan speaks up, "I hate to interrupt, but we have a duel to go through

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Veiyan speaks up, "I hate to interrupt, but we have a duel to go through."

Yusei and Jack were already exhausted. Although, they hadn't even done any major damage yet. They then see a small ray of light, they became shocked when they saw you. Yusei said, "If we can see her, that means...." Jack finishes his sentence, "It means that there's something Y/N didn't tell us."

Akiza asked the twins, "Are you two doing okay?" Luna looked pale and Leo was doing his best to help his sister. Luna heaves, "I'm okay, Akiza. I'm just a bit tired." Leo remarks, "Now I get why Y/N didn't like to duel these guys." Akiza replies, "Speaking of Y/N, I hope that she's okay." Leo answers, "I'm sure that she's fine, Akiza." Akiza thought to herself, "I hope you're right, Leo. If not, Y/N could be paying the ultimate price."

Veiyan said to you, "Show me your power, Maiden of the Skies. If you think that you can defeat me, you are sadly mistaken." You reply back, "We'll see about that, Veiyan." You continue, "I'll go first. I summon Magician's Valkyria in defense mode, next I place three cards face down to end my turn." Veiyan responds, "As expected from the one who will perish before my hands." He goes on, "I'll show you a more powerful beast! I summon forth Yamadron in attack mode and now Yamadron will attack that pathetic doll of yours." You think to yourself, "I hope the others are okay."

Meanwhile, Jack stared down his opponent with his anger filled amethyst orbs. Yusei said to him, "I don't think that glaring at them is helping, Jack." Jack replies, "Well, I just want to get rid of them. The longer we duel, the less time we have to help the others." Yusei responds, "That's the thing. We don't even know if everyone else is okay or not." Yusei then realized that their opponents were low on life points. He tells Jack, "Jack, I think that we should fight with everything we've got." Jack nods, "Couldn't have said it better myself, Yusei."

Elsewhere, Akiza, Leo and Luna were close to victory as well. Although, Luna looked worse than before. Everyone knew though. They knew that this battle was far from over....for them at least.

You were scared. Scared that you might lose everything if you made one wrong move. Veiyan asked, "How does it feel to know that you're letting your loved ones down? How does it feel to know that you're alone?" You clench your fist, "I'm not alone! I have my friends with me!" Veiyan cackles, "What friends? They can't even fight off my servants! How can they help you? You're all powerless!"

To be continued.......

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