Chapter 11

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Crow felt his body being shaken by someone. "Crow! Wake up, mate!" Crow groans, "Go away, Jack. I'm tryin' to sleep!" Jack crosses his arms, "Well alright then, maybe you'll sleep through the lead Mina uncovered." Crow quickly got up, "Alright, alright! I'm up!" The autumn-haired boy follows his blonde friend downstairs, his curiosity getting the better of him.

Several minutes later, Crow was met with the gazes of his friends. Mina said, "Good, you're all here." Yusei questions, "What did you find Mina?" Mina places a familiar looking headpiece on the table. Crow's eyes widen, "That's—!" Mina nods, "This is Y/N's headband. The one she never takes off." Crow asked, "Where did you find it?" Mina answers, "Near the forest."

"What will you do if they find it?" You answer, "I'm assuming that they will come back to the forest and search the perimeters once more." You gently look out at the horizon, "I know that this won't be the last time they search it. They will probably find my duel runner, but they won't find me." Antheia suddenly spoke up, "You must go back. You must fight the darkness within your heart, young one. Running away will not solve anything." You hesitate, "If I go back......I'll just cause more trouble for everyone." You then feel the presence of another spirit, causing you to freeze momentarily. Antheia and Sage look at each other knowingly. It was a man and woman who stood before you.

The man smiles, "You look so beautiful, just like your mother

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The man smiles, "You look so beautiful, just like your mother. My sweet daughter." Your heart felt like it was on pins and needles. His hair was to one side, it was a shade of iridescent heliotrope. His eyes shine like sapphires as he gazes at you. He wore a gentle smile on his face. The man's aura gave off an amiable yet strict vibe. The woman had her black hair tied back as well. Her pinkish orbs look up and down at your appearance. Your eyes began to water instantly. You drop to your knees and Antheia's eyes widen. Sage shakes her head, "No mistress, we mustn't interfere." Dark Magician whispers, "Y/N..." The beautiful woman's actions were feather light. You could feel her hand caress your cheek, "Do not cry, my angel." She adds, "You've become such a strong person. Martha has done an exceptional job raising you, sweet angel. Although, you are the only one who can banish the doubts within you." It was the man who went in front of the woman after she had taken a step back. He speaks in a fatherly manner, "There is not much we can say, musume. Your power is truly a gift from Benzaitennyo." You reply, "I'm not that smart though.." Your father shakes his head, "I would say otherwise, musume. You are very wise and knowledgable. You do not realize it yourself." Your mother adds, "Benten was known to be a protective deity. You are a mixture of Benten and Kichijōten. Your beauty is graceful yet you hold the knowledge of a goddess herself." You ask, "How can I know that when my memories are missing?" Your father answers, "That is something only you can answer, musume." Your mother said, "We must go. Our souls will only live if the darkness is banished." You watch them fade into the skies.

A hand touches your shoulder, but you don't respond. Empyrean Empress said, "Your parents are not ones to spell a lie, Y/N. I understand your feelings but in the end, we both know what must be done." You exhale sharply, "I know, I can't run away forever." You add, "I wish I could tell them...but I can't." It was Dark Magician who objected, "Yes you can, Y/N. If you explain it to your friends, they'll believe you." Dark Magician Girl added, "He's right. It doesn't hurt to try. You've never been one to give up so easily." You gaze out into the open, "They're probably coming back to the forest by now." Empyrean Empress replies, "Y/N, I think that it's time for you to face your friends." You felt your vision fade into darkness after that conversation.

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