Chapter 10

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You drove towards another forest on the outskirts of the city. Lyna questions, "Are you sure about this?" You reply quietly, "That was the only way to say it, Lyna. It's my fault that they got into this mess." You got off your duel runner and stare at the sky. This is the only way.

"She did what?!" "Will you guys be quiet? You're giving me headache." Akiza was in shock, "I don't understand. Why would she do this?" Crow was the only one who hadn't spoken a word ever since you disappeared. Yusei gazes at Crow, "I think Crow is taking this the hardest." Jack crosses his arms, "Crow is just being a big baby." Crow snaps, "You wanna say that again, Jack?!" However, Crow was held back by Leo and Luna. Leo said, "Will you cool it? We get that you're worried, but that doesn't mean that you can pick a fight with Jack." Yusei remembered something, "Hold on.....I remember finding something when she had suddenly vanished." Yusei pulls out a single card and shows it to everyone. Luna's eyes widen, "That's...." Jack finishes her sentence, "A spell card. I remember now. She used it when we first ran into those filthy creatures. I think that it was called Faithful Sacrifice." Ancient Fairy Dragon spoke grimly to Luna, "Luna, your friend could be in grave danger. These shadow spirits are worse than the Dark Signers. They possess a large amount of dark energy. It's large enough to wipe out an entire population or city. Your friend is somehow connected to the legend." Yusei inquires, "What could this mean?" Everyone wore grim expressions.

"You can't keep doing this. This is not only bad for you, it is bad for your friends as well." You quietly answer, "I told you already. I'm not going back. I can't.....the pain is too much." Empyrean Empress exhales, "Suit yourself." You add, "If they found out about my true powers, they'd never speak to me again." You felt a tear roll down your cheek, "I'm a failure to my friends.....and to myself." This was when Hiita stepped in. She spoke in a fed up tone, "Will you stop already?! You aren't a failure, okay?!" Lyna said, "Hiita, stop. It's not helping. I think what she means is to stop looking down on yourself. You are human, you can make mistakes too. It's a part of learning to be independent." Lyna adds, "You should go into that small cave. It looks like it's going to storm." You nod and go into the small hideaway.

A map was spread out on to the table. Jack asked, "Why are you just sitting there, Crow? Aren't you going to help?" Yusei replies, "I think that we should leave him alone, Jack." He adds, "Anyway, there are some possibilities of where she could've gone. Knowing Y/N, she could be back at the orphanage. Although, I'm not making any promises. We have to keep our eyes peeled." Akiza looks at Crow before speaking, "I think that we should tell Trudge and Mina too."

"What are you doing?" You take off your headpiece and answer, "I want to learn how to control my psychic powers without wearing this." You place it underneath your helmet to keep it safe. Dark Magician Girl said, "Okay then, Y/N. I'm going to send this rock flying towards you. Try to stop it from hitting you." You nodded, "Okay." You saw the rock heading towards you and think, "Concentrate.." The rock drops to the ground and you sigh in relief. Tempest speaks next, "Now, lets work on materializing next. This is something that troubles you the most." Empyrean Empress refutes, "Don't start with that yet. She is not strong enough to do so yet." You exhale, "I know I'm not strong enough, but I have decent stamina. Wouldn't that work?" She shakes her head, "I'm afraid not. That level of skill requires high levels of concentration, stamina and courage." You reply, "Then I guess I'll have to work harder. It's not just for me, but for everyone else. I want to show them that I'm strong enough to help them out." Empyrean Empress said, "Y/ really do care for your friends." You look down, "It's my fault that Martha and everyone else is gone. I want to help but.....I don't want to lose anyone else in the process."

"WHAT?! SHE'S GONE?! B-BUT HOW?!" Mina was freaking out when Akiza told her what had happened. She calms down before she speaks, "Alright, we'll do whatever we can to help. This doesn't seem like Y/N though. I don't understand why she would do this." Yusei answers woefully, "I know, Crow said the exact same thing. This has been hard for him too. He hasn't spoken to any of us since she disappeared." Trudge clenches his fists in regret as he thought of the argument he had with you. Trudge asked, "Have you searched the orphanage?" It was Crow who finally spoke, "Blister said that he hasn't seen her there." Everyone was surprised that Crow had even spoken a word let alone a sentence." Yusei spreads out the map from earlier, "This is our plan. We'll split up since New Domino is comprised of larger areas." Mina nods in agreement, "I'll stay back here just in case I hear anything." Everyone agreed with the plans.

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