Chapter 17

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*****Four months later*****

It had been four months since you saw your boyfriend Crow. It had also been four months since you had seen your friends as well. Your heart was filled with loneliness from the distance. You wondered what they were up to.

That morning, you were greeted by the sound of Martha banging on your bedroom door. She remarks, "Y/N, wake up! Just because it's early doesn't mean that you can miss school!" You groan in response and push away the bed covers. You ponder mindlessly, "I wonder what Akiza, Leo and Luna will say when they see me." You shake your head and head downstairs.

Moments later, you were at Duel Academy. You then hear a loud commotion coming from inside the building. Out of curiosity, you went inside to investigate. When you entered, you saw a massive crowd surrounding a single classroom. Amores asked, "What's with the crowd? Is there some kind of celebrity here?" You reply with a murmur, "Your guess is as good as mine." "Yusei! Look, there's Jack Atlas!" You whisper, "What are Yusei and Jack doing here?"

Yusei and Jack grew extremely uncomfortable when the crowd began to close in on them. Jack remarks, "Hey now! I can't breathe!" Yusei exhales, "This is not how I imagined my morning."

You grew annoyed at the audience of girls. You spoke up loudly as you cross your arms, "Excuse me." One girl shouts, "She's trying to butt in!" You calmly reply, "Unlike some people, I'd like to enter the classroom without having to be bothered." All the girls went silent. They all move so you can enter the classroom. You shake your head, "Sometimes I wonder why those girls are even here." "Look who decided to show up." You sigh, "Jack, Yusei." Yusei questions, "How did you even know we were here?" You reply, "I didn't. I just saw the crowd and I came to investigate. If I had the choice, I would've had one of my spirits scare them off." Amores was being held back by Tempest and Wynn. Amores yells, "Let me at them! Let go, will ya?" Tempest said, "Not going to happen, Amores. Y/N, aren't you being a bit too aggressive?" "Not really. They were getting on my last nerve. You know how much I hate crowds, Tempest." Tempest sighs in response. Yusei replies, " what have you been up to?" You were about to reply when you were suddenly tackled to the ground. You yelp in surprise at the sudden action. You then hear, "Leo!" Jack snorts, "Looks like we're not the only ones who missed you, Y/N."  You rub your back, "That escalated quickly..." Luna sighs, "Leo, honestly. You could've just given her a hug like a normal person." Leo sheepishly responds, "I guess that I got a bit excited." You chuckle to yourself.

Later on, you were sat underneath your favourite tree. You let out a deep breath and exhale sharply. You see a ball roll towards you, causing you to blink slightly. You see Luna running your way, her breaths heavy from the constant movements her body made. You smile, "Here, Luna." Luna asked, "Why are you outside?" You shrug, "I just needed some fresh air, Luna." "Luna!" Luna said, "I have to go." You watch her run back to her friends. "I thought I'd find you here." You look to where the voice spoke. You said, "Hi Yusei." Yusei sits beside you and asked, "Why are you on your own like this? You're usually with Akiza whenever we see you." You answer, "It's nothing bad. I just needed some fresh air." You ask, "Why are you and Jack here?" Yusei replies, "Well, all I remember is Leo asking Jack and I to help with something. We did ask Crow but he said he was busy with work. The next thing we knew, we were surrounded by girls." You said to Yusei, "That sounds like Crow, alright." You then tell him, "To be honest, Crow hasn't spoken with me at all." Yusei reassured, "Don't worry, Crow still babbles about you all the time."

Yusei and Jack had left later on. You began to think of Crow. You hadn't seen or spoken to him at all. "You have that look on your face." You exhale, "What look?" Dark Magician Girl replies, "That look you get when something is bothering you." Amores chimes in, "Darkie's right. You're never this quiet." Dark Magician Girl said, "I told you not to call me that, Amores! It's a terrible nickname." You answer back, "It's not that, guys. It's the letter I got from that Misty woman. Something about it is weighing on my mind heavily."

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