Chapter 16

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****Two weeks later****

It had been exactly two weeks since you had defeated the shadow spirits. Even though the darkness was gone, you still felt a bit uneasy. Your heart was still in shock from what had happened during that time.

You woke up and realized that you were still at the orphanage. You rub your eyes, "I must have fallen asleep last night." You look around and see no sign of Crow. You sigh, "He must have gone back to the hideout." You try to get up, but flinch when you do so. Martha came in to your room and explains, "You fell asleep last night. Crow brought you up to your room." You ask, "Where is Crow?" Martha replies, "I think he went back to the boys' hideout early this morning." Martha asked, "Are you feeling okay?" You reply, "I think I'll be okay." Martha didn't look convinced, "Is that so?" You let out a sigh, "Fine, I'm not okay. I still feel so uneasy about everything. I know that the shadow spirits are gone now....but I can't help but wonder what's going to happen now." Martha said, "Y/N, I know that you want to move on but there are some things that can't be rushed. It's okay to take your time with some things. However, you can't rush yourself into thinking that everything is okay. Your body hasn't recovered properly according to what Akiza told me." She adds, "Now get some rest, alright? I'll let Crow and the others know that you're here." You nod, "Okay."

Meanwhile, everyone else (except Akiza) had met up at the boys' hideout to discuss what happened two weeks ago. Right before Crow was about to speak, Akiza entered the hideout with a heaving breath. She pants, "Sorry I'm late." Jack crosses his arms, "I'm surprised Y/N isn't here. She's usually the one to start these discussions." Yusei replies, "Actually, I just got a call from Martha earlier. It seems like Y/N hasn't fully recovered yet so she's on strict orders to rest."

You stare at the ceiling and close your eyes. You exhale, "I guess Martha is right. There are some things in life that can never be rushed." Dark Magician Girl responded, "I'm just happy that you're okay. That battle must've severely worn your body out." You reply, "It's not just that, Hiita has been annoying me about what happened during the final battle." Hiita protests, "I was not annoying you! I was questioning you. Those are two completely different words." You thought of what happened during the final battle. You then said, "I don't understand why that transformation happened." Empyrean Empress spoke up, "It was the strength of our bond, Y/N." You exhale, "Bond or no bond, it seems like the ancient powers you had before are circulating through my veins." You add, "I think that I can control them better now, Empyrean Empress." Dark Magician Girl remarks, "We can talk about that later. For now, you need to rest and make a full recovery."

Meanwhile, Martha was thinking about your health. Her soft chocolate eyes were filled with worry. She had made up her mind. She grabs the phone and makes a call. She said, "I'm sorry to bother you. Do you think that you and Akiza could come and stay with Y/N for a little bit?"

Lyna was currently scolding you. She said, "Y/N, for the last time! Stay in bed!" Lyna is gentle but she is also a very strict spirit like Tempest Magician and Dark Magician. You protest her strict remarks, "I don't want to stay in bed all day, Lyna!" Lyna disappears when someone said, "Y/N?" You look up, "Crow, Akiza?" Crow held a bag in his hand, so did Akiza. You ask, "What are you two doing here?" Akiza replies, "Martha called earlier and told us about how lonely you were. She wanted to make sure that you'd be okay." She also whispers in your ear, "Crow wouldn't stop pestering Martha about how he wanted to see you. He really does loves you." Crow clears his throat, "I can hear what you're saying there, Akiza." Akiza mutters, "I was just making a point." You snort with laughter, making them look at you in slight confusion. You remark, "You two are so funny." Crow said, "Y/N, you don't have to hide your true feelings from us." You admit, "I know I can't hide them, but I can't just tell everyone how I really feel. I'd be hurting someone I care about if I did that." Akiza responds, "Listen, it's more than that. If you weren't honest with us, then we never would have been friends." "Y/N!" Crow said, "Looks like Martha needs your help." You said, "I guess so.." Crow helps you up and you leave the room.

You walk down the stairs and see Martha holding something in her hands. Martha said, "This came for you." She hands it to you and just smiled.

Crow sighs, "I guess that Y/N is still shaken up." Akiza answers, "I'm not surprised. She hasn't been the same since the final battle." Crow ponders, "So you think that she's still feeling guilty?" Akiza nodded, "It's just a thought though. I could be wrong." Crow asked, "How was she know?" Akiza replies, "She would just stare outside and tell herself that it was her fault. Y/N knew you had sacrificed yourself for her sake, but she couldn't process what had happened."

You held the package in your hands. Amores questions, "Aren't you going to open it?" You reply, "I think that I should show Crow and Akiza first." Dark Magician Girl speaks up, "Y/N, I know how you're truly feeling. You shouldn't hide your true feelings from your friends. They'd understand how you feel if you told them." You said sadly, "If only it were that easy. My heart is still at unease from everything." "Y/N.." You look up, "Martha.." Martha said, "Y/N, I know you're still feeling uneasy. Although, I know that you can get through to your heart." She places a hand on your head, "I remember doing this whenever you felt sad. It always cheers you up. You may not be perfect, but that doesn't mean that you aren't a good person." That sentence made you smile slightly.

Akiza remarks, "Look who's back." Crow notices that you were holding a package. He asked, "What's that?" You reply, "I wish I knew. Martha just told me that this had come for me." You open the package and your eyes widen. Akiza had the same reaction, "That's Misty!" There was a letter underneath. You began to read aloud, "Dear Y/N, I am currently overseas doing a photoshoot. Your mother kept telling me how much you loved talking to me, so I decided to send you this letter. Your mother and I are very close. We used to model a lot together. I never knew that she was having a daughter until she showed me the first ultrasound. At the moment, your parents are with me doing this interesting photoshoot. Maybe someday I can meet you in person. Until that day comes, I'll keep on doing what I love. Sincerely, Misty Tredwell." You finish reading the letter as you see a picture of her.

You think, "Doing what you love, huh?"  You remark, "It seems like there's a lot about my parents that I still don't know about

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You think, "Doing what you love, huh?" You remark, "It seems like there's a lot about my parents that I still don't know about." You get up and Akiza questions, "Where are you going?" You reply, "I'm going for a ride on my runner. Wanna come?" Crow and Akiza look at each other before nodding in agreement.

Elsewhere, Mina and Officer Trudge were busy doing their own work. Mina stops for a moment, "Trudge, come here for a second." Trudge notices the expression in her eyes and comes over. He asked, "What's up?" Mina smiles, "This came for us." Trudge questions, "Are you sure it's not a mistake?" Mina opens the package and says, "It's from Y/N."

Akiza groans, "Will you slow down?" Crow chimes in, "Yeah Y/N, any faster and you'll crash into someone." You wave him off, "I have this under control. You worry too much." Akiza said, "Guys look. It's Yusei." Yusei said, "Well this is a surprise." Yusei asked, "Should I even ask?" Crow answers, "Probably not." Yusei then inquires, "Where's Y/N?" Crow points to where you currently are. Yusei had a small smile on his face, "She's finally smiling."

Dark Magician Girl inquires, "Don't you think that you're going a bit too fast?" You reply, "No way. If I was I would've crashed into something already." You add, "That letter is still on my mind though. I think that I should stop living in the past and look towards the future." Tempest nodded, "I agree. Living in the past won't solve any of the problems that come in our way." You think to yourself, "The shadow spirits may have painted a bleak picture for New Domino, but I know that our future isn't decided. It's time to look towards a new path."

A/N: I know, I know. It's a short chapter. I'm really tired from work so I hope you guys like it. Took longer than I thought but here it is.

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