Chapter 12

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This so wrong!  but wow it feels so right.  He places his hands on my hips and I place mine around his neck.

shit No I can't do this!!! 

Your with Josh idiot!

I quickly pull back and shake my head,  he looks sad but I couldn't do this.

"Sorry, um I have a boyfriend, and its wrong and I just-" I ramble and he soon cuts me off.

"It's fine, I know its a mistake. But Cassie open your eyes a little more before you end up hurt." He excuses himself and leaves me there shocked.

What does that mean?

I am beyond confused and I see at the corner the football players but there my less of a worry.

Once I check the book out I head back to class but as soon as I right at the door the bell rings and everyone heads out to lunch. I walk to my locker slowly not caring who is walking behind me because they could go around.

Niall's words keep playing over and over in my head. What did he mean by that, I mean I'm great and there is nothing that could hurt me.

My thoughts were soon cut off once I reached my locker and seen that Josh's back was to it, looking at me up and down with a smirk on his lips.

"Hey baby." he pecks me on the lips and he furrows his eyebrows seeing I don't respond to his gesture.

"What's on your mind baby.?" he pulls me towards him and I have to tell him I kissed Niall before he finds out by his so called mates.

"Um.. Nothing."


"Something. Wha-" He was cut off by someone calling his name out. We both  look at the direction it is being called and its Liam. Uff thank goodness it wasn't one of his other mates.

"Yeah?" Josh says.

"Coach is looking for you." Liam says out of breath probably from looking around for Josh.

"Alright, I'll see you later baby." He quickly pecks my forehead and I nod and they both leave out of sight.

I have to tell him. But I can't it will hurt him, but then again he'll probably won't be hurt the one who will be hurt will be Niall once I tell Josh and ugggh!!!.

Things are getting harder by the second.

I see a blonde walking towards me from a distance and once the figure gets closer I notice who it is. Ashley! 

"Are you okay? " she asks amused.

"What do you want?" I really don't want to deal with this girl right now.

"No, Just I can't ask?  Any who, where's Josh I need to talk to him."

"Might if I ask for what?!"

"Oh Nothing really just need to let him know some important news about.... You kissing Niall at the library. " she grins. How did she find out.?

"I know people who saw the whole thing." she says like reading my mind.

"So I'll give you a choice.." she pauses and I am more than confused. Does she like Josh? "You can break up with him, with no explanation or you can tell him the truth and we'll see how his little break down will go. Or you know I can always tell him and trust me he won't be coming after you, but he will go after Niall." She snickers.

I don't know what to do.

"I was gonna tell him for your information, but he left." I wasn't

"Well tic toc honey, your running out of time." she walks away swaying her hips from side to side. 

"Hey Ashley!! " A voice beams behind me. I turn and its Niall.

What is he doing?

"Why don't you tell her the truth? " he smirks. I turn back to Ashley and she looks taken back and nervous, I soon see Josh coming right behind her and he looks confused as I am.

"What's going on? " he asks getting to my side.

"I have no idea?  Niall what truth do I have to know? " I ask and I feel Josh tense and when I look back up at him he looks nervous.

What the Hell is going on?!


Sorry I took so long.  but there you guys go.

What you guys think?

Tension.  There is A Lot Of Tension. haha xD Well Hope You Guys Enjoyed it. I may update again later on if not Tomorrow. Probably Today Cause I am In Such In a good mood ✔

Love All My Readers. Keep Voting And Commenting But Most Importantly Keep Reading Loves ♥♥♥


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