Chapter 28

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•Cassie's POV •

"Let me set yours and Niall's date." Danielle says with an evil looking grin .

"No babe! I told you already no!" Liam says to her and she shrugs it off looking at me. God her hair is so beautiful. I don't know seem why she hates it so much?

"Wait... Why?" I ask wanting to know more about what's behind that evil grin.

"Why not.." she says blankly, I look up at Niall and he is already looking down at me with surprised and scared looking eyes. I wouldn't blame him I am looking at him the same.

"Please?" Danielle begs.

"I don't seem why..." I shrug.

"No! she is not doing it." Liam bursts.

"Why not?" I question him and Danielle rolls her eyes.

"Because, my mate..." he places a hand on Niall's shoulder. ".... just got the girl of his dreams and its his plan to set this shit up, so she could see what he is made of." Liam winks at Niall and he half smiles.

"Bull. Niall can't take stuff serious-" Danielle was cut off by Liam, "An you can?" I giggle because its true she can't take stuff serious is why she is lovable, Danielle soon shoots me a glare .

"Please Cass, or I will not forgive you! " is she kidding me right now?

"How about you help me what to wear? " I groan and she grins.

"But you have to wear what I pick. Okay?" her eyes light up and I nod shrugging, Liam rolls his eyes and goes to the fridge.

"Uh.. Breakfast is ready " Niall's says gesturing to the full plate at the kitchen island counter.

I nod take my plate and place it on the table. Niall soon joins me across from me and Danielle is fast by my side with a grin that could seem like it can hurt.

"What?" I say taking a bite off the eggs.

"Oh nothing... Just wondering.." she places her chin at the palm of her hand taps her lip and I just continue to eat my breakfast.

"About?" I question taking a hold of my orange juice that probably Niall sat by me when I wasn't looking.

"This date that super Niall is going to make and fail." she grins at Niall and he mocks her.

"For your information I will succeed in it." He says confidently.











The morning flew by like a high speed bird in a hurry and now we are in the living room watching TV.

Liam and Danielle are at one end of the sofa all cuddled up and Niall decided to sit on the floor in front of me and I am on the other end of the sofa with my legs criss crossed in front of me. Some how me and Dani  convinced the boys to watch Pretty Little Liars re-runs of the show with us.

"Okay so who is 'A' then ?" Liam asked quite unaware and Dani groans in frustration.

"Nobody knows! " she says blankly, Liam nods and sets his eyes back on the TV.

I keep trying to set my eyes back on the TV but some how they just travel towards Niall. Fighting the urge to stop looking at him I finally loose and I run my fingers in his hair.  He places his head back hitting my legs and looks up at me.

"Like my hair? " he smirks raising an eyebrow and I bite my lip and look down at him.

"Very Mr. Horan " I grin and he smiles.

"Yo! can you guys like flirt somewhere else I am trying to watch the show with my-" she looks over at Liam who is already passed out. "Babe!" she hits his chest and wakes up right away. Niall and I start to laugh while Danielle rolls her eyes and focuses her gaze back on the television.

I playfully grab a hold of Niall's hair and make him look up at me and he grins with those big White teeth that can light up a bunch of sick people in a heartbeat.

"I love your hair." I whisper on his ear and he grins.

"That's not all" he mumbles and I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion.

"What?" He looks at me and smile then shakes his head. "Nothing." he smirks.

"What did you say?" I press with a smile and he laughs.

"Do you talk in your sleep love? " he smiles and my stomach brings me butterflies when he says love.

"Umm... not that I know of why? " he shakes his head and laughs. I become inpatient and get out of the couch and stand in front of him, its then I notice that Liam and Dani are out of sight.

"Did I talk in my sleep? " I question and he chuckles and as I was about to say something I hear my phone ring in the bedroom.

"when I get back tell me" He nods and laughs uncontrollably and I run up the stairs to fetch my phone. My mum comes out in the caller I.D and I soon answer.

"Hey mum." I say cheerfully

"Hey Cass." My mum says.

"What's up?" I take a seat on the bed and soon fall back staring up at the ceiling.

"Oh nothing just wondering where you are "

"At..." What do I say?  Friend? "...A friends house." I bite my lip.

"Well I want you home sweetheart. "

"Wait Your home?!!" I practically yell at the phone.

"Cass, calm down and yes."

"I'm on my way mum." I hang up before she says okay. Niall walks in and I stand from the bed.

"Are you okay? I heard yelling. "

"Yeah, and uh can you um do me a favor?" he nods "Can you drive me back home? " he raises an eyebrow and I start laughing.

"What?" he questions and I shake my head.

"Soo.... Yes?" he nods and goes and puts on black vans and I nod put on some socks I borrowed from Dani and gather my stuff and head down the stairs with Niall at my tracks.





We hop in the car and Niall soon starts it up then pulls out of the driveway. I turn on the volume up of the radio and the song Holy Grail by Jay Z and Justin Timberlake came out.

"Love this song " I say and turn up the volume. Niall keeps his gaze on the road while taking small glances at me.

"And baby its amazing I'm in this place with you, I just can't crack your code, One day your screaming you love me loud the next day your so cold ,One day your here one day your there, One day you care your so unfair..." Niall and I sing in usion.  When we pause we start laughing at how precised we were at that time.

He is the one.... The one who I can laugh, joke,tease, and tell anything... Niall is more than a friend and I want him and I to be more. My inner thoughts repeat through the whole ride back to my house. He can be.... If I let him.

I am beyond sorry that I didn't update... Honestly. I think that I'll just update when I can or when you guys want cause I am not following this schedule of mine with homework and all.

So what you guys think? Comment what you guys think might happened or just vote.

Okay so who listened to Midnight Memories Album?  It is beyond perfect. I like how there so mature and seem grown ups but I know there still the silly immature perverted boys we all know. Anyways If you heard it tell me what is your favorite song.

Personally I love of them but Happily Won my heart ♥ I just think of Nassie when I listen to it. Anyways VOTE AND COMMENT!!!

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