Chapter 3

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Cassie's POV

Lucky for me I had time to get ready with all the thoughts that been roaming my head while getting my make-up done like...

'Does Josh still feel the same about me'

'Is it always me that causes a scene or am I just stupid to realize that I'm always Wrong?'

Letting that go I make it to the game just in time and its about 5 more minutes till they kick of the game. It's not a surprise if they win because they surely always do and I wouldn't blame them. I mean Liam and Josh are the best ones besides this kid named, Stephen he is really cocky but can be nice and cares about others as much as I do. He has a great career a head of him but the only person that is holding him back from anything is the one and only Ashley.

"Well, well look who finally showed up. Some team captain you are" she snickered.

Speaking of the devil.

"I think we should choose a new captain." she announced to the rest of the crew.

"Oh shut it! No one would want you as Captain," Danielle defended putting her in her place."And besides she had stuff to do anyways." Yeah if you say wondering what happened to you and your boyfriend is just "stuff".

"Whatever." Ashley flipped her hair and walked away.

"I would never understand why she hates me, I mean I've been nothing but nice sense I met her." I say to Dan as she has her arm around my shoulder walking to the benches.

"Cause she is just...." she paused "Bitchy." she laughed making me laugh.

"Wow, okay just make sure she don't hear you then she will 'Like totally flip her hair in your face'." I imitated her and we both burst into laughter and made our way to cheer.

Niall's POV


I made it but a tad late, oh well it's not like I missed a big award show. I made it to the field and saw the game started and Liam had the ball. Well their off to a great start. I sit at the nearest bench and across the field I see Cassie. I couldn't help but feel butterflies, this what she does to me ! but she doesn't know that.

Everyone suddenly cheered. Oh someone made a goal. Probably Liam, when I'm about to see who was the one who made it I see that Cassie was going around the field, jogging while her hair bobbed from side to side. Wait where is she...

"Hey Niall" she says happily, I mumbled a hi back looking down.

"I thought you weren't gonna come? Not saying I didn't want you hear just tha-" she rambles off until I cut her off.

"Uh I didn't think I would come to, but hey why not." I smile looking at her and see she has been staring at me, I immediately look down at my lap. By the time I turn to look back at the game its half time.

"I have to go back, but why don't you come over and sit on that side?" she stands extending her arm out. I look at her hand and back to her face and she nods. I grab her hand see those electricity's I've been meaning to feel.

We were almost there and see that Josh spots us and I can see he clenches his jaw and grabs the ball. Before I can turn away, the ball smashes me in the face making me fall and cringe at the sudden contact. Cassie lets go of my hand and sees that it was Josh who hit me. She gives him a quick glare and looks back down at me.

"Are you okay?" she asks worried.

"Fine." I saw licking my lips then feel blood. How was that even possible?

"No your not, come on let's get you clean." she rushes me up and we walk past all the laughig people and mean comments.

Lucky for us the building is open, we make it inside. We make it what seems to be a bathroom?

"Uhh" I say looking around. She giggles and says, "It's okay no one is in here or the building so your fine being in the girls bathroom." I smile and feel my cheek sting a little.

"You have a bruise and your lip" she starts touching my face feeling every part that I got smacked with the ball. "Let me just.." she grabs a paper towel and puts it under the faucet and applies water to it. Then placing the towel on my bottom lip. I can't help but flinch at the contact and see she is fully focused on my lip then up to my eyes.

"Wow, you have the most beautiful eyes ever, Niall" she smiles and pulls the wet towel away.

"I can say the same to you." I say without thinking.

Shit what did I say?

I start shaking my head knowing I wasn't suppose to say that. Before she can speak the door bursts open. I turn and see a furious and not so pleased, Josh.

I'm screwed.


So I was finished with my HMWK. and thought Why not update? Loving this story and hope you guys do too.

I personally love shy Niall. Its adorable ^.^

What do you think is gonna happen next? 


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