Chapter 36

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•Cassie's POV

Finally making it to his place we go right inside and its like no one is here. I walk in the living room and see the TV on and what I am guessing its Denise with Theo.

"Hey Des. " Niall hugs her and I do the same. Theo instantly smiles and I smile back. She raises an eyebrow and lifts Theo up for me to hold and I gladly take him in my arms.

"Where is everyone at? " Niall screams from upstairs is what I am guessing, I take a seat across from Denise and start playing with Theo. He is just so lovable and cute that it hurts.

"You love kids?" she asks and I nod grinning.

"I can tell and I think kids love you, from the way Theo saw you." she laughs and I laugh a little and look at Theo and he laughs too.

"Eeh. I wouldn't say." I shrug and I tickle and make silly faces to Theo and he hides himself with his tiny hands. I laugh and he uncovers himself and smiles. Time passes and Theo is falling asleep in my arms and Denise hands me a bottle and he soon takes it. I stand and walk towards the window of the living room giving view of the street and I sway back and fourth, side to side in order to make Theo fall asleep.

"Hey." Niall's voice makes me jump and Theo's bottle fall. He chuckles and picks it up and hands it to me and Theo's eyes are closed but he still takes in the bottle.

"Your good with kids." Niall says and I turn around and roll my eyes. He wraps an arm around my waist and I smile.

I stare off to Josh's house and notice his car there. A brunette walks out of there and she turns around to face the house and out comes.... Josh? I thought he was in New York. Josh looks at her and the girl turns her back and I see full view of her... no. It can't be. Chelsea?

I gasp and Niall looks at me with a confused face.

"What is it?" He says and I shake my head.

"Where do I set Theo down?" I smile but soon frown and he motions me to follow him and we walk into a room and I see his bed and Denise walks in and takes him off my hands and sets him in . Me and Niall walk out of the room and a bunch of questions roam through my head like What would Chelsea and Josh be up to?

"Did you hear me?" Niall says and I shake my head and I look at him.

"Sorry, What ?" He smiles and answers me, " I said if you wanted to watch a film?" I nod and we walk towards his bedroom.

We decide to watch The Breakfast Club, the entire time I kept spacing out and thinking the possibilities and weird vibes that Chelsea might have something with Josh. Maybe I'll question her when we get home. I didn't even notice that Niall had put his arm around my shoulders I smile at the gesture. We are sited on the bed, our backs against the headboard. I put my legs on top of Niall's and he smiles at me and I smirk. I am trying my best to not question to much about that whole Josh and Chelsea  situation.

Niall then slips his leg from under mine and places it on top and I laugh, we keep on playing and we totally forget about the film. Somehow Niall ended on the floor, I start gripping my stomach and laughing. I fall on the bed and can't contain my laughter, Niall soon brushes it off and looks at me and I can feel water forming on the corners of my eyes from so much laughter.

I shut my self up and look at Niall who is standing there holding back a laugh. I raise an eyebrow.

"What?!? Do I have something?" I wipe my face and he chuckles and gets on the bed and brushes my cheek and I smile.

"You know now that you mention it... You do have something ." I gasp and I almost fall back off of the bed but Niall catches me before I fall, he lays me down and he hovers over me and I smile.

"Right...." he leans in and I think he was going for my lips but instead goes and kisses my cheek. "Here." he kisses down my jawline and I smile at his little gestures. "Oh and over here." he kisses my neck and travels back up and we are inches apart.

"But mostly here." he crashes his lips against mine and I can't help but grin during the kiss. Seems like every kiss get sweeter and either one of us are smiling like love sick puppies.

He slides his tongue over my bottom lip begging for entrance and I smile and deny. I grip Niall's blonde hair in my hands and he groans and smiles. I laugh a little and he takes advantage and kisses me with so much passion like his life depended on that simple kiss. I wrap my legs around his torso bringing our bodies closer and he smirks. We pull away breathlessly and he grins.

"Is it off?" I tease and he smirks raising an eyebrow.

"Definitely, I think I got it." he winked and I smacked his chest playfully. I unwrap my legs from around him and he lays next to me. I sit up and he lays his head on my lap and I play with his blonde hair and see the roots are brown.

"Is this your natural color?" I raise an eyebrow and he grins wickedly.

"Nah. Its naturally brown." He shrugs and closes his eyes as I run my hands through his hair.

"What else do you hide?" I ask and he laughs.

"Nothing, mostly everything I have said to you is the honest truth." My heart softens at his words and I think about Josh and Him. They are nothing a like, Niall is more honest and sweet and doesn't pressure me into something I say no to, Unlike Josh, he is the total opposite. Maybe finding out that Josh had cheated on me was probably a good thing, because I would have never even considered being with Niall. You know maybe things were meant to happen like this just like my grandma always told me things happen for a reason, and if that reason is good then its meant to be and if its not then you know its the end..

I just hope nothing comes between my happiness especially starting a new chapter with Niall. He has my heart and every word he says makes me  believe more in him..... In us.

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