Chapter 29

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•Cassie's POV•

I finally made it home and right now I  want to see my mum but I don't want to leave Niall's sight.

"So?" Niall breaks the silence in the car and my thoughts.

"Oh umm... Right I'll call you?" he nods and gives me a smile I smile back and as about to open the door he stops me and puts his hand on my thigh.

"I forgot something." he says and I nod and he soon kisses my cheek and I can't help but flush red in my cheeks . We say our goodbyes and I enter my house and I soon hear his car speed off sight.

I enter the kitchen and I see no one in sight. I walk towards the living room and my mum is no where.

"Mum?" I yell and I hear shuffling sounds coming from upstairs. I  walk up the stairs and nothing, I finally enter my room and my mum is sited on my bed looking at photos. I knock at the door and she  soon looks up and her eyes brim and lighten up and she opens her arms and reaches out for me.

"My baby." she hugs me and starts crying. It feels so warm being hugged again by my mum again. We stay there for a couple more minutes and she finally breaks the embrace.

"How is my little girl." she smiles and I roll my eyes.

"I'm not a little girl mum." I say almost laughing and she grins and sits down on the bed and pats a spots next to her.

"I Know your not my little girl well for me as for your dad... You know. You are just growing by the minute Cass." I smile and she looks around the room noticing I don't have princess's or toys around the floor. Now its full of Posters that cover my walls, music, books around the floor.

"Yeah, well." I shrug and smile. She looks at me in the eyes and frowns.

"What Happened?" she says and I raise an eyebrow and she scoots closer towards me.

"What do you mean mum?"

"I know my Cassie, and the Cassie I'm seeing right now is happy but doubtful. What is wrong baby." she cups my cheek and smiles. My mum gets me and knows when something is wrong.

"Is there something wrong in yours and Josh's relationship?" She asks and I slightly shrug.

"Were not together." I blurt and she gasps. She always loved Josh for me and what I am about to tell her she won't be to found of him no more.

"Why is that?" she questions and I sigh and start explaining myself to her. How there was a bumpy ride in our relationship and to finally finding out he cheated. And finally letting go of him from my heart and mind. 

"Wow." she is in shock and she looks at me with a confused look on her face.


"You don't seem so sad.... You- Wait have you met someone else?" she grins and I feel heat on my cheeks and a foolish grin on my face, I cover my face and my mum quickly grabs a pillow and hits me on the head and I laugh.

"Answer me child" she laughs as well. My mum was never the usual 'I am your mother you listen to me.' she was like having a friend there.

"Yes, there is a guy." I bite my lip and she smiles.

"Tell me!Tell me !"she jumps like a school girl and I just burst in laughter.

"I will." I promise and she grins.

"Come help me unpack and while we do that, you tell me about this mysterious new boy." I laugh and nod following her to her bedroom and start unpacking. Just hope she doesn't fill me in a bunch of questions of Niall.















"He is Irish!?!" I nod . My mum never stopped asking questions. We just finished unpacking and now we are sitting down on the floor on her comfortable carpet talking endlessly that we lost track of time .

"Wow. That is just so sexy." I slapped my mum's arm playfully and gasped.

"Mum!" she shrugs and laughs.

"So when are you going on this date?" she asked getting serious.

"I don't know I was supposed to call him."

"Call Him!!!" my mum yells with excitement . Its like I an having Danielle here.

"Okay Okay."  I laugh and she stands an I follow her lead.

"While you do that I'll order some pizza." she smiles and walks out the door. I walk towards my room and try to find my phone to be able to call Niall.

I find it and I am quickly having some doubts. Should I? Yes I should. I'm just going to call him.

"Hello." his voice booms through my ear.

"Uh... Hey" I smile but realize he can't see me.

"Cassie? What's Up?" I walk around my room and bite my nails nervously.

"I promised I call and well here I am." I laugh awkwardly. He chuckles and I hear shuffling in the background.

"There you are. So about this date...." He tails off.


"I want to make this right. I am afraid something will go wro-" I cut him off.

"Don't say that. It will be perfect because ..... Because I will be with you." I say blushing and he laughs a little.

"Well, how about I pick you up at 7?" he asks and I nod but then remember he can't see me.

"Yes." I choke and I hear my door open but don't bother to turn.

"Okay, can't wait." H says relieved .

"Me neither." I can't stop smiling and my mum appears in front if me with a grin and only makes me smile even wider.

"Wait where are you taking me? so I can know what to wear."

"Uh... Its a surprise. But wear something..... Casual." he says and we both soon say our goodbye's and hang up.

"What happened?" my mum says anxious and I roll my eyes with a smile and walk towards the bathroom to take a shower.

"Cass! What happened?!" I close the door with a laugh.

"Your grounded." she teases.

"No I'm not." I laugh and start the shower. This is it. A date with the Irish lad that just might change everything in my life.

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