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It's not everyday that your husband wakes you up by shoving his newly painted nails in your face, but that's just the way Dan is. Without any regard to time, granted it was only 10:30, I was woken up by the harsh smell of nail polish and the weight of his body on top of me, groaning and trying to roll over to return back to sleep. He would have none of it, trying harder to pin me down.  Moaning in protest, I opened my eyes slowly, trying to allow them to adjust to the light. I was met by Dan eagerly waiting and still sitting on my stomach, his nails thrown in front of my face.

Of course Dan would choose a matte black polish, it matched his aesthetic, but was nothing compared to his actual bright and bubbly personality. I tried to take his hand in mine to get a better look, but he pulled away quickly.

"Careful, they're still wet," he explained, before extending his arm once again. I reached over to my nightstand to grab my glasses to get a better look, causing Dan to have to adjust himself to stay on my body. Once the glasses were on, I could finally get a better look at Dan and his nails. He hasn't straightened his hair yet this morning, but instead let his loose curls surround his face. His cheeks were slightly flushed, and he was still in his pjs. He looked beautiful, and I hated his ability to roll out of bed and look that good. I gingerly grabbed his hand so I could get a better look at his nails, making sure not to touch them.

"They're cute. I like them. The matte black really matches your aesthetic."

In reply, his smile deepened, showing off his dimples, and he looked down at his nails again. "I think so too. I found the nail polish in one of those gifts that we got, so I thought I'd try it. they're not perfect, but I really like them."

"They're pretty good though; you hardly went over the nail!"

"Yeah, hey can I paint your nails too? Come on, it will be so much fun!"

He was so happy and excited, I wouldn't dare say no, so I suddenly found myself agreeing to a manicure. 

"Okay, you can paint my nails. But on one condition: you let me sleep a little bit longer."

He rolled his eyes and rolled off my stomach and onto his side of the bed, pretending to be utterly hurt by this statement, as if I had just asked him to kill a man. "It's like 10:45, come ooonnnn grandpa, get out of bed."

"Grandpa? Is that a new nickname or something? Oh God, is that the new daddy?"

Hiding his face in his pillow, I heard him moan in protest. "No, you asshole, I'm trying to insult you."

"Try harder next time."

"I'm not even gonna bother with the amount of innuendos I can think of right now. Come on I wanna paint your nails already. Look, mine are finally dry, now I can do yours," he whimpered, shoving his hands in my face once again before cuddling into my side.

Finally giving up, I started getting out of bed, only to be dragged back in.

"Okay, maybe we can wait like five more minutes. You're comfy and I wanna cuddle."

"You're a dork," I replied, but still got back in bed anyways. He's cute when he pouts.

After a few minutes of extra cuddles, we finally found ourselves in the lounge and ready to paint some nails. The table was still a mess from when he did his own nails, so I figured we might as well just do my nails there as well.

I ended up picking a sparkly light blue color, and watched as Dan worked carefully not to mess up. His concentration face is one of my favorite things: he pulls his lips back and bites them slightly while his eyebrows crease together and his tongue pokes out ever so slightly. He's beautiful.

The hardest thing about doing my nails was waiting for them to dry. It felt like a million years had passed and I felt completely vulnerable- I couldn't do anything! I even had to ask Dan to help me take my pants off so I could go to the bathroom without messing them up. It was totally worth it though, as the final product looked so good. Now it's even more fun to hold hands with Dan with his black matte nails being so different than my sparkly blue ones. 

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