Star Boys

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"What's your favorite constellation?" Dan asked.

"My what?" I responded, confused, but curious.

"Favorite constellation, you know, the stars. Do you have a favorite one?"

I tried to think of one, but my mind was drawing a blank. "I don't know, I don't think I know any besides the big dipper. Why, what's your favorite constellation?"

He didn't even hesitate to answer before he responded with "Canis Major. The Big Dog. By far the best constellation out there."

I poked him in the side. "It doesn't have anything to do with the fact that it's supposed to look like a dog, does it?" He giggled next to me on the couch.

"Of course it does! But not only that, it also contains Sirius, which is the brightest star in the night sky. Well, second brightest star, besides you."

"Oh my god, Dan that was so lame. Did you literally ask me what my favorite constellation is so that you could use that cheesy ass line?"

His smile grew wider as he leaned into my side. "You know I did. But I also genuinely wanted to know. I can't believe you don't have a favorite constellation. And you only know the big dipper, which isn't even the full constellation! Ursa Major is known as the Great Bear and extends beyond the dipper, but that's just what most people focus on. You need to get educated on the stars, Philip."

"The only stars I need are right in front of me: you and wifi." He audibly groaned at that, rolling away from me and hiding his face behind his hands.

"So I make a star remark, and it's lame, but you do it, and it's cute? Bullshit," he claimed as he dragged his hands down his face dramatically. "That's it, get up."

"What?" I asked, confused by his sudden command.

"You heard me, come on, get up," he said as he got up himself, offering a hand to prove he was serious. 

I took his hand and stood up, but I was still confused. He didn't let go once I stood up, instead intertwining our fingers and leading me out of the room.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see," he said as he continued to lead me out of our apartment and down the hall. 

We passed the elevator and instead walked towards the stairs, where Dan opened the door and silently ushered us through. I automatically assumed we were going down, but instead Dan tugged my hand and lead us up to the roof. After climbing up what seemed to be a million stairs (but was actually only 15), we stepped out onto the roof as we were greeted by a slight breeze on a warm night. Still holding hands, Dan led me to the middle of the roof and pulled out a blanket I didn't realize he brought up. We spread it out and lay down, staring silently at the stars.

"I still can't believe you don't have a favorite constellation," Dan muttered beside me, still obviously not over it.

"I don't even know any, besides your favorite is a dog. Where is your precious star dog now?" I asked, half teasingly, half wanting to know what if looked like and if he even knew where it was.

Dan turned to the sky, and after a few moments of studying, he was able to point it out. "That one right there. Do you see it?" He pointed and I followed where he was looking, surprisingly seeing the dog start to form.

"Do you know any other constellations? Maybe one of those will be my new favorite."

"I know all the constellations. They can't all be your favorite."

"Fine, then pick a favorite one for me."

He stopped to consider it for a moment before his face brightened and he started searching the heavens again. "Your favorite can be Perseus, the Hero. Much like how you're my hero."

"That's it, no more sappy star puns or I'm leaving," I said, only half jokingly.

"Fine, no more sappy star puns," he giggled, intertwining our fingers again and leaning closer into my side. I leaned over and kissed his forehead before turning back to the heavens to admire the stars, and my new favorite constellation.

(A/N: what's up pals I know it's been a while since I last uploaded but I've had a long and busy month. Between AP tests and projects and finals and graduation next week, I've been too busy to write much. Also, I have to  rush and get ready for my last week of high school, so I'm not going to reread and edit this part so you get it in it's unedited glory. Anyways, sorry it's a shorter update and that it's been so long since my last update, etc, but I hope to have more out next month when I don't have the stress of my high school career ending. As always, thanks for reading, I love you, goodnight.)

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