Dirty Dishes

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I love eating, but I fucking hate doing the dishes. Thank the Lord I have Phil though, as he never seems to mind- he even seems to enjoy it somehow, which amazes me to no end. I have no problem drying the dishes, so Phil washes while I dry. It's a quick system that we've been doing for years, and I don't have to touch any slimey dishes. It's a win-win for everyone, really.

It was a typical day in the Lester-Howell household, except this was a day we attempted baking yet again. I don't understand why we keep trying- it always seems to flop somehow and we're left with a giant mess afterwards. It probably doesn't help that we have flour fights and end up getting it everywhere, but that's fun, so that mess is no big deal. Today we tried baking a cake for our upcoming anniversary, and the results were... interesting. We had tried to mimic the picture of a beautiful tiered cake, but ours turned out lopsided and unevenly frosted. It looked like a mess, but damn, it sure as hell tasted good.

We left the kitchen in a state of disaster as we ate the cake in the lounge on the couch while watching a movie, deciding to just order a cake for the party in a few days. Once the movie was over, we were left to clean up our mess.

"Are you sure we can't just hire someone to clean?" I suggested, pulling my best pouty face while leaning into Phil's side.

"No, come on, if we work together we can get it done in half the time. Plus, the sooner we clean up, the sooner we can go make a mess in another room," he replied, eyebrows raised playfully.

"What th- Phil!" I pushed him away, trying to hide the blush I knew was already dusting my cheeks.

"We've been married for nearly three years, and you still blush when I make innuendos? You're such a dork." 

He tugged on my hand, leading me into the kitchen to start cleaning up. It seemed to be in a worse state than we left it. Flour was everywhere and the dirty dishes were piled in the sink.

"You still sure we don't just want to hire somebody?"

"Come on, let's just start cleaning."

I grabbed the broom and dustpan and started working on the flour. Phil went straight for the dishes, dawning a pair of gloves and filling the sink with soapy water. We whistled the clean up song as we worked, and the flour proved to be a quick sweep- I was finished before the water got too warm. I dumped the flour into the bin and went to go help Phil dry the dishes. Soon enough, the water was warm enough to disinfect any germs and a shit-ton of soap was mixed in. Phil started away, plunging the first bowl into the soapy bath. Once it was clean, he handed it to me so I could dry it and put it away. We worked fairly quickly, and soon the end was in sight. Finally, the last utensil was washed and put away. Phil drained the water, leaving soapy bubbles in the sink. I walked up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Okay fine, that wasn't too bad. The kitchen's clean. Now about that other mess we were gonna make..."

"Dan!" he gasped, turning around to face me. "We're not totally done here though, you missed a spot."

"What where?" I looked around the kitchen, trying to find something I missed, but when I turned around to Phil, I was met with a pile of bubbles being launched at my face.

"There!" he yelled, jumping out of the way as the bubbles hit me square in the face.

"Philip Michael Lester, did you really just do what I think you did?" I threatened, wiping the bubbles from my eyes and reaching into the sink for my own handful to launch at him.

"Daniel James Howell, it depends. What do you think I did?" he replied cockily, giggles escaping past his lips.

"Don't get sassy with me now, Lester," I threatened, ready to aim at any moment, my eyes narrowing. Apparently, that wasn't intimidating though, as all I was met with was the sound of Phil's laughter floating through the air. I launched the bubbles right at his face. Unfortunately, I somehow missed and ended up hitting his chest, just provoking the laughter further. I grabbed another handful of bubbles and charged towards him, but he dodged me, making his way to the sink. He grabbed himself another handful, putting us in a standstill. We stood there, two grown ass men, staring at each other in the middle of our kitchen, holding handfuls of bubbles, ready to launch at the other.

"Dan, I think your bubbles are popping."

"What?" Believing the bastard, I looked down, giving him just enough time to close the distance between us and throw his bubbles at me. "You son of a bitch!" I grabbed his hand before he could run away and launched my bubbles at him.

We continued the game until the bubbles in the sink were gone, leaving us soapy messes. Thankfully, we didn't end up making a mess, as everything was still clean once we finished. We ended up in the middle of the kitchen, and just started laughing. I pulled him into a hug before kissing him. I pulled him closer and rested my head on his shoulder.

"I love you."

"I love you too." He gave me another kiss before pulling away. "You still up for making another mess?" he asked suggestively.

"Of course, you idiot, let's go," I responded, taking his hand and rushing out of the kitchen.

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