Not a Morning Person

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It was an icy December morning, and I could feel the chill trying to seep through the blankets to get to me. Pulling more blankets closer around my neck, I cuddled closer to Dan, hoping his warmth would radiate over me. He sighed softly as he instinctively turned and wrapped his arm around me. Smiling, I cuddled closer to his chest as warmth and security washed over me. I feel back asleep.

The next time I woke up, we were still intertwined under the sheets, but after a quick glance at the clock, I realized  we actually had to wake up this time. I tried moving a bit, but Dan had a tight hold on me, and it didn't look like he was giving up anytime soon.

"Dan," I whispered lazily, "Dan, come on, it's time to wake up. We have a train to catch in a few hours and we still have to pack." We're heading to Brighton for the weekend to see a few friends, but it's not gonna happen if we stay in bed all day.

Dan groaned next to me, releasing his hold enough for me to sit up and admire him. I reached over and grabbed my glasses, putting them on and staring at the lump next to me. His hair had gone hobbit-like and he looked peaceful. I began playing with his loose curls, gently trying to wake him up.

"Dan, come on, it's almost noon already and the train leaves at four. Daaannnn." His scrunched his face together as he squeezed his eyes shut. "Well I know you're awake now, come on, get up." He shook his head and rolled onto his stomach,  placing his pillow over his head. I let out a huff. "Daniel James Howell, if you don't wake up, I'm just gonna leave your sorry ass here." He sighed into his pillow and I took it as a victory. He rolled over again, this time facing me, but his eyes were still shut. I shook him gently.

"Phiiilll, just ten more minutes," he said sleepily, his morning voice slower and deeper than usual.

"No way, you still haven't packed yet." Dan is a man of many talents, but packing more than three hours before he has to leave is not one of them. He's also not a morning person in the slightest, even if it is nearing noon. Dan mumbled something under his breath, most likely some sort of sassy remark, but I just ignored him. "You're the worst. At least open your eyes so I know you're awake."

Instead, Dan wiggled his eyebrows. Not what I asked for, but it was a funny sight nonetheless. Finally, he opened his eyes slowly, squinting to adjust to the light.

"Well good morning sleepy head it's nice to finally see you up," I said way too cheerfully, hoping to annoy him slightly.

He rolled his eyes as he pulled the blankets up around his face. "Go away. Nobody should be that peppy this early."

"Dan, it's nearly noon."

"Like I said: too early."

"You're a mess," I muttered as I got out of bed. Before walking out of the room I turned to him to make sure he was still awake. "I'm gonna go get the coffee going; you better be up and out of bed by the time I get back."

I turned and walked out of our room, heading towards the kitchen. I quickly got the coffee ready and was setting out bowls and spoons for our morning cereal when I felt Dan's arms wrap around my torso as he leaned into my back.

"Look I got up, are you happy now?" he muttered.

I turned around to face him so he wasn't talking to my back. "Yes actually. We have lots to do today, and we can't do it all in bed."

Dan rose an eyebrow playfully. "We can't do it all  in bed you say?"

I immediately felt the blush rush to my cheeks. "Only if we have time mister."

He brightened as a dimply grin found its way to his face. "Don't worry, I'm a fast packer," he added, pulling me close and giving me a kiss. This guy.

(A/N wow 3/3 so far I'm proud of myself tbh merry fluffmas see you tomorrow most likely)


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