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I wake up 5.30 in the morning to Danny pushing the covers off him and running to the bathroom I get up and follow him to see he is keeled down by the toilet throwing up I kneel behind him rubbing his back but it's not like it's once it's like repeatedly,10 minutes later he's still throwing up I feel another person behind me I look around to see Danny's mum behind me I smile at her before she speaks.

Ailish: alright son I will just go get you some water, want anything Jess?

Danny nods

Jessie: no thank you

I continue rubbing his back

Jessie: Danny baby it's okay I'm hear

He nods at me and slightly smiles at me and then before you know it Danny's mum is stood behind me with his ware she's so kind awh.

Ailish: here darling!

Danny: t-a

That's all he could get out before long he was throwing up again I'm worried now I've never seen someone throw up that much it's not right,I should be the one that's throwing up constantly.

Ailish: jessie you two are meant to be flying back today that's not going to happen when he's like that.

Jessie: I was thinking the same I will just have to put my hospital appointment back.

Danny: n-o Jess you've waited too long to get that thing off

Jessie: exactly one more day isn't going to matter is it!

Danny: yea but we have to go back today the script have their concert tomorrow.

Ailish: Danny their is no way you are doing a concert when your that Ill

He's now sick again and again

Jessie: this surly isn't right?

Ailish: I thought the same I'm going to get Vicky she's a nurse

Danny: NO! It's too early for that

Ailish: shhhh Dan

Ailish goes to get Vicky I presume an I continue rubbing his back for him he's still throwing up I'm actually starting to get really worried now 5 minutes later Ailish comes back with a very tired Vicky.

Vicky: How long has he been like that

Jessie: since like half five and it's now like quarter to seven

Vicky: ahh shit erm I know what's wrong he has an abnormality in his stomach witch is like a serious stomach infection only to be cured by surgery to release the water on his Swollen stomach I thought he didn't seam right yesterday I'm sorry Jess!

Hearing that is a shock to the system tears are now falling from my eyes with the thought of him having to go through surgery and u can be by his side I know how he felt now after I went in for my leg this is scaring the shit out of me but I'm brought out if my thoughts when Ailish bends down to me and wipes away my tears before hugging me tightly and whispering to me 'he will be okay Jess' I know she's hurting too by here tone of voice you could hear the pain in it and I sware I hear sobbing coming from Danny before he bursts out with.

Danny: you don't know that for sure though could be anything.

Vicky: I delt with this yesterday, turn around a sec Dan

Ailish: he's still throwing up he can't turn round let me get a bucket then

Ailish goes and gets a bucket for him and he tries up in it as he's turning around.

Vicky: stand up straight Danny please

Danny: it hurts

Vicky: Jess hold him up please

I do as she says

Jessie: I'm sorry babe

Vicky: Dan this is going to be uncomfortable but I'm going to have to press on your stomach to see how bad the swelling is okay?

Danny: hurry it hurts to stand

Tears as cape his eyes this kills me to see him in this much pain Vicky pushes down in his stomach and he screams in pain this kills and all I can do Is stand and watch she finally stops after what feels like forever.

Vicky: I was right now I would say middle stages so we have to get him to hospital sooner rather than later I will call the people down at the hospital to come and get him stay their dan with Jess take the bucket in there and lay him down.

Danny: this ducking kills FUCK

Jessie: I know baby come on stay strong for me baby please

Danny: I love you Jessica

Jessie: you to Daniel

Vicky: right they are on their way keep still dan it will make it even worse

Danny: you try being in this much pain then see how it is

Vicky: I have had two kids dan I know what pain is.

Danny: this is like toucher

Jessie: come in baby drink some water.

Danny: I can't keep it down I tried

Jessie: okay stay still like she said babe.

Danny: OUCH

This is hurting me so bad to think he is in this much pain I realised last night he was tossing and turning an awful lot and I still can't believe he has been sick so much and still is. My phone beeps message from mark how spooky.

Message from Mark:

Hey Jess can't get through to Dan but you to might as well stay there for tomorrow as we can do concert glens mum has been rushed to hospital something to do with her head tell Him we are sorry I know he was looking forward to it

Mark x

That's a relief now he won't feel the need to go back home for Tomorrow

Jessie: hey dan don't worry bout the O2 thing mark just canceled it anyway so your okay.

Danny: what why!?

Jessie: something about Glens mum in hospital

Danny: I need to go home I have to support him like e did when I lost dad I have to be by his side

Ailish: no dan you have to go to the hospital so you can get better and then you can go support glen he has mark anyway so he will be sorted.

Danny: a true best friend would go for him

Ailish: and another true best friend would understand that you are to ill to be worried about other peoples issues

Jessie: Dan she is right listen to her ok

Danny: fine but as soon as in out of that hospital I'm on the next flight back to London

Jessie: only If your well enough Mr

Vicky: They are here come in fan let's help you down stairs okay?

Danny: I'm scare I don't want to I have to be here looking after my girl

Jessie: I'm coming with you I'm not leaving you dan!

Danny: thank you

Jessie: that's what I'm here for dan just give me an hour to get down the stairs with this boot on my leg

Danny: you can walk on it now your meant to have it off today

Jessie: true lets go baby

We walk with him to the ambulance I get in with him and Vicky and his mum follow in a car leaving a note on the side for the others so they don't worry to much even though they will worry after yet see it well they have to face facts like we have had to this early in the morning.



It takes two to make love work a Jessie J and Danny O'donoghue fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now