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The panic running through my head right now is unbelievable, the doctors said they had 'stabilised' her but that meant nothing to me until her eyes were open, right now she was unconscious they had given her a sedative Which meant she could be out for hours. The thought of me maybe not knowing her condition for hours sickens me and even after that I might not know because they don't even talk fucking English, surely they're is one doctor or nurse that speaks english here. I'm getting fed up now because they are doing tests on her and getting results back and they won't tell me anything because one I don't understand and two we haven't got her documents so it won't say on their system that I'm next of kin it wouldn't even work for Rose and Steven, they need to tell me in English it's a hospital surely they have tourists here sick. Common sense really. Some of them recognise Jess and just brushed it off perfect ugh. I don't even know what's going on back at the villa I just left in a kind of a rush, I didn't have the time all I'm worried about now is if Jess will be okay and if our girls are ok. So I decide in have to ring Holly because that's who I asked to watch them. I have to know that needs to be a weight off my shoulder.

(Phone Call)

Holly: Hello? Dan

Danny: hey Hol yeah it's me! I just wanted to ring to see how the girls are, are they ok?

Holly: how's Jess

Danny: I would tell you if I knew but I don't they can't explain it to me because they don't talk fucking English and when they do it doesn't make sense. How are the girls

Holly: oh right ok, and yeah the girls are in yours and Jess's room they refused to move, they have eaten and are watching sleeping beauty.

Danny: well Jess is sleeping beauty right now. It's scaring me Hol

Holly:she'll be okay Dan we know she will. She's strong and you know it, is she unconscious

Danny: yeah the have her some sedatives to make her heart even out a bit and the only thing I did understood was something everyone already fucking knows

Holly: what's that then

Danny: the go 'her heart has a different rhythm' don't we know it ugh

Holly: Dan calm down ok because it's not good do her and it's not good for you

Danny: I just hate not knowing, it's destroying me here

Holly: I know were all waiting here for news as well

Danny: where did you tell the girls we are

Holly: gone to see the shops

Danny: oh okay I better get them a present then

Holly: have you eaten

Danny: nope

Holly: Danny go and get something to eat

Danny: no I'm not leaving her not abroad anyway

Holly: you have to eat

Danny: not until she's awake

Holly: Call us when she's awake then

Danny: fine okay see you whenever look after the girls bye Hol

Holly: I will and bye Dan

(End call)

I hang up and sigh before slumping back down in the chair returning my grip on Jess hand I decide now is the time to talk to my dad, don't judge me it keeps me sane.

'Oh dad what is going on I've had the best highs in my life but when there low they're really low an it always happens to the people I love and cherish. Dad Rosie and Shaya are goring up so fast it's scary they are little cutties there laugh makes me know I've made the right decisions in life but do you know what I treasure the most? Is the fact I know Jess is crazy bout me too so I'm never afraid to say 'I love you Jess' because I know for a fact she'll say it back it she'll say it first. She's the best mum to the girls I try my best to be the best father I can. It may sound silly but earlier today when I was watching films with my three girls I felt so happy so real it felt right because those are the three I have to protect they are the ones I don't want anyone to touch or harm. But this afternoon when everything was ok I was happy. Why when everything is okay and seems to he better does it all come crashing down on us again. Why dad why. Please explain because I don't understand I really don't'

After pouring my heart out to my dad I'm now it tears but I wipe them away as soon as I finished speaking I didn't want the doctors to see me cry, I didn't want them to think I was weak. I'm not I just wear my heart very much on my sleeve. As I'm sat there with all the thinking time in the world I think of a conversation that me and Jess had only a week or so ago. I asked her 'Jess why do bad things happen to us why is it always us' her reply was straight and when she said it she looked in my eyes' Dan it's because he throughs tough things at the strong ones, I thinks we can handle it truth is Dan together we can handle anything me and you together are unbearable we are like inseparable I don't ever want to leave your side and I'm not afraid to admit that' when she said that I knew she meant it because of the emotion in her voice and the look in her eyes I replied with' babe good because I'm not afraid either because we are inseparable I miss you even when your gone for an hour I miss you when your not in my arms I love you Jess and yes we are unbreakable' then we shared a powerful kiss an then spent that night cuddling whilst the girls were at Rose and Stevens that was a good night. I have to remember together we are untreatable Jess doesn't give up I know she wouldn't she's a fighter not a looser she will win this fight weather others tell her different or not I know she will. She's my girl and she never fails to impress me. And that will never change because she's one in a million. She's my one a million.

I must have been zoned out for a while because the doctor came in and coughed at me he was with another person not dresses a nurse or anything just in casual clothes. I'm put out of my wondering mode when this woman explains to me what she's doing with he doctor.

Woman: hello mr O'Donoghue I'm Dianne you can call me Di I'm a translator because I know your worried so the doctor will explain to me and I will explain to you is that ok Me O'Donoghue?

She asks and kinda tells me in a nice sensitive tone, I could tell just by that I liked her as a person she was stuck up and that's what I wanted someone who would tell me straight why was going on

Danny: oh course hello. I'm Danny nice to meet you and yes I'm so worried but I couldn’t understand anything they were telling me so, I couldn’t find out anything

Di: yeah I know it is hard in these situations, we don’t normally give out personal information until the patient is awake but everyone here knows who you both are

Danny: Thank you so much, so you were saying

Di: well Jessie has…


What a mean cliff hanger I am sorry I love you all though, pop up if you need a chat I'm here to talk to anyone xx AND I KNOW IT'S A LONG TIME YET BUT WHAT SHOULD HOLLY HAVE BOY OR GIRL I CANT DECIDE COMMENT PLEASE X

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