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so its been half hour since Glen and Dan had an argument but I have persuaded Dan to come back in to Holly's room and sit with me and he did and also made up with Glen because I told him he cant lose his best friend over this and he agreed Glen happily excepted his apology witch took weight off mine and Marks shoulder because we hate them to fighting if you think of it like this if they fell out for good that would be the End of the script and we know they don't want that, im sat on Dan's knee he's playing with my hair and im leaning back in the crook of his neck and everyone else is sat the same as before apart from Glen he's slid down the back of the wall crying into his hands quietly I think I thinks we don't know but we do I gave Dan the look again as if to say help him but this time Dan gave me the look as if to say see what happened last time and I just nodded and let it slip the door is pushed open and Glens head shoots up and stares at him before the Doctor can say anything Glen shoots in and asks the one question we all wanted to know.

Glen: I-I-I she okay are they okay? ( tears streaming down his face)

Doctor: Mr Power can I talk to you for a moment

Glen: no they all need to hear anyway just tell me now

Doctor: if your sure

Glen: yes

Doctor: well Mr Power she is still in theatre but we need you to make a decision because we might have to take the option because Holly isn't responding well to the operation.


Doctor: Mr power please calm down, that's why I came because we need to make the decision if the operation gets worse witch one are you willing to save?

Glen: NOO (he cries heavily and then looks at Dan)

Glen: how am I meant to make this decision because if I chose her she wont forgive me and if I chose him ive lost her I don't know I really don't know but I cant lose her I just cant!

he cries and cries

Doctor: Mr Power we need a decision else we will save whoevers easiest


Doctor: please make a decision because we might have to resort to one of them

Glen: she's gunna hate me but I have to chose her

Doctor: sign here please

Glen: she's gunna look at this and know I signed his life away

Doctor: you have to sign it to make it official but Mr power we might not even have to resort this

Glen: Fine!

Glen signs the paper and the doctor walks out and Glen breaks down Danny jumps up and sits by him and Glen cries into his shoulder Dan doesn't say anything just lets him cry God this is heart breaking then you see mark get up and sit on the other side of him patting his back this must be killing Danny seeing his best friend go through that but then again I could lose my best friend and the thought of losing Holly is Killing me and Clair I look up tho Clair not realising there are tears falling from my eyes shes tucked into kyle Crying her eyes out and I just sit there head in my hands all I want now is Danny to come and let me cry on him but I have to respect that Glen needs him now more than me....

what seams like forever 5 hours goes by and the doctor comes in to speak to Glen

Doctor: Mr Power you now have a son he's small at only 3.11oz But Holly has fallen into a coma and we couldn't prevent it im sorry and congratulations would you like to come and see him

It takes two to make love work a Jessie J and Danny O'donoghue fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now