Missing Mummy

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Rose and Jess left to go and speak to Hannah and Rachel early this morning as yesterday I think we were all tired, so looks like it’s a day by the pool, both Rosie and Shaya are up and have been fed so it looks like Daddy’s going to try them out in the water, don’t worry they have life jackets they’re pink, cute. I get them changed as everyone else is already in the pool looks like Harry Mason and Maize like the water; Marks kids are old enough to do their own thing. Mark and Glen are down the deeper end being…pricks messing about whilst Steven just bobs up and down, Holly and Clair with Harry, Mason and Maize Rina lying by the pool I don’t think she’s really into swimming. Today doesn’t feel right because Jessie isn’t here she has to go clean up the mess her sisters made I know how excided she was to be with all her family and friends, proves how well that worked out didn’t it. I get outside to stand by the pool Rosie and Shaya on each him as they still haven’t grasped walking yet but then again neither has Harry. I make my way into the pool in my cool shorts Jess got me and bob up and down near Holly and Clair Rosie and Shaya don’t seem to mind the water that much so it’s nice. After like 10 minutes of being in there Steven takes Rosie so I'm left with Shaya I'm floating her around on her belly like you do when your teaching them how to swim, not that they are doing to just swim off but if you don’t practise they will never know how always what my dad taught me.

Holly: wander how Rose and Jess are getting on

Danny: I think Rose will be calm and just talk so will Jess at the start, then she will use the shouting

Steven: they need teaching a lesson though

Danny: I know it’s not fair the way they are treating everyone especially in front of the kids

Steven: you’re a great dad Danny, hope you know that

Danny: just trying to be everything my dad was, as long as I'm half as good of a dad as he was I’ll be happy

Steven: you are Danny he would be proud of you

Glen: yeah he really would Dan he is up their saying ‘that’s my kid’

Danny: hope so

Mark: I know so, look at you Dan you youst to be the one saying ‘ahh yeah drinks the answer to everything’ not anymore now you won’t go near it now me and Glen are the assholes you’re the best Dad Rosie and Shaya could as for

Glen: hey speak for yourself Mark I haven’t drank anything alcoholic in 3 months

Mark: maybe because you aren’t allowed for 6 months you wait 6 months’ time your be drinking

Holly: oh and how I can’t wait for that

Glen: damn right

Danny: just be careful Jess has given you one kidney don’t mess that one up too, I'm the only other person who can give you another one

Glen: I know but they said that in six months everything should run smoothly

Danny: I'm just saying don’t risk it Glen

Holly: Glen listen instead of arguing with him

Harry: Dad-da naughty?

Holly: yes he is harry

Glen: hah no Daddy is not

Harry: mum-ma said you are

Glen: mummy must be right then

Steven: when is this wedding then?

Glen: not when it was meant to be

Steven: did you tow have a Barney

Glen: no the whole Kidney thing happened

Steven: soon or not because I have to book it off work so does Rose

Holly: summer, July

Glen: July then

Steven: alright then

Shaya: where mummy gone?

Danny: Mummy has just gone to see Auntie Hannah and Auntie Rachel

Shaya: I want mum-ma

Danny: I know baby she will be back later I promise

Shaya starts to cry I know she’s missing Jess she hates it when me and Jessie aren’t with her Rosie is just splashing around with Steven I think he’s trying to take her mind off of it and I thank him for that, Shaya by this point is properly crying so I get out of the water and lie down on the sunbed with her on my chest wrapping her in her towel.

Danny: Shaya do you want to speak to mummy on the phone?

Shaya: mum-ma

I smile and kiss the top off her head before getting my phone which was on the side and calling Jessie’s number.

(Phone Call)

Jessie: He-y (she sounds like she’s been crying)

Danny: baby are you ok, is everything ok?

Jessie: I will speak to you about it later, is everything ok where you are

Danny: ok sweet heart, I was ringing because Shaya was crying she missis you Jess

Jessie: put me on speaker then

Danny: ok princess

I do as Jess says and put her on speaker

Jessie: Hey princess, don’t cry mummy will be back in a little bit ok, I just have to talk to Auntie Rachel and Auntie Hannah

Shaya: mum-ma I miss y-ou

Jessie: I miss you too Baby girl

Danny: Rosie is with your dad having a fun time in the pool

Jessie: that’s good then I miss you guys

Danny: we miss you too

Jessie: I love you Danny

Danny: I love you too Jess, when are you home I want cuddles seen as you left so early this morning

Jessie: I know I know, I missed morning cuddles, I'm just sat on the balcony with Rach mum is talking to Hannah

Danny: come home then

Jessie: I don’t wanna leave mum on her own

Danny: don’t be to long though because there is a Hot tub no one has seen yet, we forgot it had one didn’t we

Jessie: awh I might hurry a little then

Danny: you better Mrs O’Donoghue

Jessie: bye Danny I love you and give the girls a kiss from me

Danny: I love you too, will do bye..

(End call)

I end the call and even though Shaya has only been up an hour she looks so tired so I put her in mine and Jess’s bed letting her sleep a little more before returning to the pool.


Hey guys sorry for the shit update, again. Just not with it today :’( 

It takes two to make love work a Jessie J and Danny O'donoghue fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now