taking it too far

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It wasn’t that long after the argument with Mark and Glen that it started up again I think it was in the fifteen minute silence that mark and Glen had time to come up with what to say next, Glen was the one that started to be a prick first I don’t even know why he had to even try it. What’s the point we said we were going to have a meeting and drop it for now couldn’t they see that it was upsetting Jess enough as it was I don’t know whether this time I should argue back with them or not because with Jess’s stress condition at the moment it probably wasn’t the brightest plan, but there is only so far they can push me before I snap, let’s just see.

Glen: you’ve turned into a right little wet boy. Haven’t you Dan

I just swallow and look down at Shaya who was now sleeping, I can’t believe I have three more hours on the plane with them.

Mark: he always youst to be a prick in school, what the fuck changed

I swallow again and tried to ignore it but they kept jabbing me again and again

Glen: oiii, dick head answer us

Mark: oiii

Danny: Can you not because the girls are sleeping

Mark: can I give you some advise

Danny: id rather you didn’t

Mark: well I want to

Danny: will it shut you up

Mark: I dunno

Glen: no I have something to tell you about your mistakes

Danny: my mistakes?

Glen: oh you wanna know about your mistakes, If you really want to know about mistakes you should ask your parents how you came along

Danny: I would if I could, mmm my mums lying in a hospital and m-my d…you know so before you think your stupid fucking insults are funny think first.

Glen: Your mom must have a really loud bark!

Danny: Shut the fuck up about MY family!

Glen: I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and crap out a smarter comeback than what you just said

Danny: I see you're still working on your random intelligence

Glen: I could have been your dad but the dog beat me over the fence


Glen: I'm joking Dan calm down woah its called a joke not heard of one

Mark: not even close to funny Glen at least you still have your parents I have none so fuck off yeah

Holly: I'm moving I cant even believe you, I'm disgusted Glen

Glen: wait Holly What?

Holly: With your IQ, I don't think you would understand

Holly gets up and moves next to  Clair I sigh and go to the bathroom not needing the toilet just to get away. I only go back there for like 10 minutes and then I move seats to the back of the plane with Shaya and Rosie Jess also follows but its okay but we can still see and talk to the people we want to. I could see Jess was teary over what Glen had said it upset me a lot as well. You can imagine. I get like that and defenceless when anyone talks about my family in any disrespect. I hugged jess tight as Rosie and Shaya was still asleep surprisingly. She just whimpered into me and I kept kissing and playing with her hair.

Danny: Jess it’s ok baby, I'm fine

Jessie: don’t lie Dan, I don’t get why they have to even do that though because it’s not funny and they know how touchy that subject is. It just upsets me to see them upset you like they did. And with everything else that’s already going on I don’t need more stress and arguments that’s the last thing any of us need and you know it

Danny: I know I don’t know what’s wrong with them lately like you said a meeting when we get back will sort it all out and to be honest I trust you and you know it you cant go back on that now Jess the meeting it will be

Jessie: I know I just don’t want you to fall out with Glen and then Holly not talk to me I'm scared of losing my best friend


Glen: what!

Holly: after how you just acted then yeah so deal with it now you better have a very hard think on the way home how your going to apologise to Danny else its that or I go the highway

Glen: what the fuck is that meant to mean

Holly: I mean apologise to Dan or I go and I'm not joking I'm not losing Jess and Dan cause you’re a prick

Glen: you cant talk to me like that

Holly: you cant talk to Dan like that but you chose to it works both ways it’s not all about you Glen

Glen: so you say because I was joking with him if I don’t apologise for making a j-o-k-e  your gunna leave me are you forgetting your have m-y baby and we have harry

Holly: do you think I could forget I look like a whale and how could I forget Harry I'm not like you

Glen: what is that meant to mean

Holly: doesn’t matter just shut it your giving me a headache

Glen: not until you tell me what you meant

Holly: you’ll have a very long wait

Glen: your impossible

Holly: no I'm very real

Glen: fuck off

Holly: fine I will wait till we get back

Glen: wait! I didn’t mean that

Danny: fucking hell how did this spur from you two being a dick to me to upsetting Jess to you two breaking up can we all just shut up and sort it out when we get back because I we don’t we’ll all get off with shreds ripped out of us.


The last thing I wrote on my a/n was about my personal life not any of you so everyone who inboxed and commented I'm sorry if I worried you I feel bad now..sorry

It takes two to make love work a Jessie J and Danny O'donoghue fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now