How can kids cause so much Drama

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After Lexie say this it’s like the hole room is quite but Jess stands up and passes Shaya to me and walks through to the breakfast bit with her head down and grabs our suit cases and pushes them out the door then she grabs Rosie and Shaya’s bag and pram she’s about to leave the room still with tears falling from her eyes but her mum speaks to her before she gets the chance to.

Rose: Jess Darlin where are you going Give Rosie and Shaya to Holly and Glen me and your Dad will take you to the airport your plane will be in a bit don’t cry.

Jess doesn’t look up but she does reply with something I didn’t want her too but I understand why

Jessie: I'm taking the girls home I'm not going Mum I don’t really feel like it me and Dan will book it again another time when His mum or sisters can babysit the girls so guys enjoy the rest of the time in the pool here Holly if you want you and Glen can have the tickets and we will have Harry.

Steven: NO jess this is your Honeymoon you have to go they are kids they don’t know what they are saying don’t listen hand over Rosie and Shaya and you can go.

Jessie Looks up with tears in her eyes, I think there is more to this than meets the eye

Jessie: No..

Danny: Mark, Glen I will see you at the studio tomorrow yeah? (I say with my voice cracking because what the kids said hurt me too)

Mark: No man you have to go this is your time yesterday was fucked up too today isn’t going to be as well you and Jess dererve this more than anyone here go man

Danny: Sorry to say it but this is pretty Fucked as well words Hurt more than bruises you know

I say and turn around as tears are coming to my eyes I have both Rosie and shaya in my arms sleeping I sit on the benh so I can still hear what being said

Hannah: Jess hand them over come on don’t be silly you have to go on your Honeymoon you and Dan are perfect together come on

Jessie: its not me and Dan that’s stoping me and you know that, the last couple Days have been Fucked and none of it was to do with me and Danny I'm so over this I just want to go home Hol do you want them or not

Holly: Jess Rosie and Shaya will be fine with me and Glen and You know it

Jessie: its not that I'm worried about

Glen: Jess you have to go me and Hol will be fine with them we promise we trust you with Harry

Jessie: its not that

Holly: what is it then

Jessie: I'm not in the mood to go now how can I go knowing whats happened here today my nieces and nephews hate my kids that’s brilliant it really hurts you know

Lexie: we don’t Hate them Jessica

Jessie: well you mad at me then for some reason you never call me that unless you’re mad with me

Tyler: its Complicated Jessica

Jessie: stop calling me that if your not going to explain why

Lottie: we cant

Jessie: why, why don’t you like the Fact that Rosie and Shaya are mine and Danny’s explain because I'm really upset by this same as Uncle Dan so guys explain to me I will try and understand

Lexie: No Jessica

Tyler: Jess just give brat 1 and 2 to Glen and leave for your stupid Holiday already

It takes two to make love work a Jessie J and Danny O'donoghue fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now