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Sitting in the empty room alone I honestly can't do this on my own without my wife and kids is like being kicked in the stomach with this pain and to not have them here as well is just making me feel even worse. Nurses come in and out and give me the small talk when you can being shoved into a room guess he's getting checked this honestly so boring...

Then it clicks they said I can't see Jess don't mean I can't phone her I'm a prick why didn't I think of of sooner so why have I just sat here for the past 2 hours looking at a brick wall, then Mark comes out but is pushed back down the corridor I'm guess he don't pass this is seriously errr shit...Jess first person I call..

(Phone Call)

Jessie: hey babe are you ok has Glen been checked yet

Danny: I'm just in pain and incredibly bored they wouldn't even let Mark in to see me all I saw was him being pushed out the corridor and no I haven't seen Glen babe are you better yet I need you not anyone else it's not fair...

Jessie: I know you do babe, I will be ok i feel fine I just think it's that doctor that won't let us in with you

Danny: I know he went home after mark left babe come back and try again it's a nurse now I think please

Jessie: I'm in my way babe stay strong I haven't got the girls

Danny: w-why where are they!

Jessie: Glens mum has them and Harry so I'll bring Hol as we because glens already there well on his way

Danny: ok baby come as soon as you can I love you

Jessie: I love you too bye

(End of call)

After that I see Glen run up the corridor and the Nurse takes him through shortly after I wa relieved because I wasn't going to be bored anymore as Glen ponders through and smiles at me and I smile widely.

Glen: he man how you feeing

Danny: ill

Glen: you look it

Danny: it kills


After small talk made with Glen for around 25 minutes the door is burst open and I see the face I've been waiting to see for the past few hours that puts a smile on my face.

Danny: babe, I'm so happy your here

Jessie: I knew I wasn't ill, how are you feeling

Danny: better now

After that Mark comes through the door an I chuckle at his expression

Mark: Dan you look like a wreck

Danny: cause I am

Mark: you look really bad

Jessie: you look fine, mark shut it

Mark: sorry, the wife's on one then

Danny: you don't wanna mess with Jess

Then weirdly I get a call from Clair weirdly

(Phone call)

Clair: hello?

Danny: Clair?

Clair: you with Jess or no

Danny: yeah she's here why

Clair: put her on

Danny: babe

I say pointing it at Jess and placing on speaker

Jessie: alright babe

Clair: I need to tell you something

Jessie: ok what's wrong

Clair: I'm in speaker take me off

Jessie: ok?

She doesn't but pretends she does

Clair: I know you Jess takes off speaker now else I will tell Holly first

Holly: thanks for keeping me out first though

Clair: sorry well fine just whomever else is there block your ears because Dan will kill me so yeah block em

Jessie: just tell

Clair: well you know mason is 4 months now I'm kinda pregnant again

Jessie: WHAT

Holly: is it Kyles

Clair: I have to go

Holly: no spill

Clair: I don't know

Danny: what do you mean you don't know

Clair: JESS

Jessie: you know I would have told him

Mark: who else have you slept with

Clair: my bo----errrr yeah I gotta go

Jessie: your dating Matt

Clair: yeah I'm sure it's his but Jess what am I meant to do mason is 4 months I can have another one

Jessie: you can babe are you sure it's his

Clair: I really don't keno but there is a high chance it's kyles

Jessie: come to the hospital we can talk when dans down in theatre

Clair: wait what

Jessie: floor 7 I'll explain

Clair: okay

(End call)


Hello not good chapter Clair oops naughty

It takes two to make love work a Jessie J and Danny O'donoghue fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now