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3 hours is all I've been home with the kids for talk about time drags when you want that 11 hours to go in a blink of an eye but really it’s like a train wreck in slow motion, my head is haddled with what could be happening I've bathed the girls and Harry and changed them fed them and now they are asleep upstairs, I've even had a shower to get my head sorted a bit but no…It doesn’t work it just makes my time go slower and slower. The amount of phones calls I've made to people or they have made to me about how Jessie is doing the honest and only answer I can give out is ‘I Don’t know’ because its true I don’t know I don’t know how she is because I'm not their but I'm not going to break my promise to her, I've never done that and I am not starting now. I've even packed Jess and Glen a bag as I have a key for next door so that Holly doesn’t have to worry, they amount of things I've done in the past 3 hours to at least try and Get my head over this pain is un real, I've now figured whatever I do that will be the main thing on my mind, Jess is the only thing on my mind and her wellbeing. I sat for an hour earlier just holding our daughters as Harry slept just staring down at them and thinking how much more they are starting to resemble Jess, we had the conversation the other day about having another baby, obviously not for a few years but maybe later on it might fit but now the girls are enough for us the 4 of us plus Jackson are just enough for us but maybe we could have another one in the future another girl or maybe actually a boy who knows? Whatever it would be it would be my perfect, I know Jess says nobody’s perfect but I heard Jess say to the girls the other day without her knowing I was listening she said ‘Your my perfect little angels mummy and Daddy love you so much and that will never change as long as we both live we love you’ I smiled as I remembered that memory of Jess and the girls together before she ordered me to make her breakfast that was out normal thing when we both had a day off Jess was meant to go back to normal routine in her career in 2 weeks but is that going to happen now, no. might be like a month then we have the first filming for the voice season 2 how awesome the fact I'm with my wife and the girls will be backstage with Holly Clair Mark and Glen, everything panned out there.


The past 9 hours dragged and dragged but after more than an nauseous wait it was time, time for me to get back to the hospital with the Girls and Harry in toe, I got them into the car quickly and then set off, to the hospital it was now 9 in the evening as she went in, in the morning..Well obviously, the girls and Harry still being asleep when I took them out their cot, Rosie and Shaya are quite heavy sleepers they get it from me and Jess obviously. After a 10 minute speed limit driving to the hospital I pull up followed luckily by no paps, so I just get Rosie and Shaya’s pram out and get Harrys Car seat out the back, I make my travel into the building pushing the girls and holding Harry in his seat, wow who says men can’t malty task. I soon reach the ward and get through the doors in a huff, it’s not easy with 3 babies you know. After like 3 attempts of opening the door someone finally notices me and that being Mark and actually opens the door for me.

Mark: here let me take Harry

Danny: cheers man

Holly: thanks Dan

Danny: no worries

Glen: is he ok?

Danny: Fed, Bathed slept most of the time, and here glen I got you a bag with some of your stuff in so you and Holly didn’t have to worry

Glen: you’re the best Dan thank you

Danny: its no bother I couldn’t bring Jess one and not you now could I

Hannah: right well I'm actually gunna go now Rach are you taking the girls now then?

Rachel: might as well they will be fine Dan.

Danny: I know they will

Rachel: say bye to your Daddy then…bye Dan see ya when you come to pick them up

Danny: thanks so much Rach and bye Han

Hannah: bye Dan call us when she’s out

Danny: of course I will

They then leave Rosie and Shaya in toe, I just kiss them goodbye because I know they will be fine me and Jess trust, Rachel and Hannah even though Hannah isn’t having them but has many times before.

Danny: have you heard, anything then

Mark: so far so good apparently

Danny: I've been wrecking my brains like a mad man I'm so worried anything can happen in the next 2 hours anything..

Glen: stop thinking like that Dan she will be fine she’s strong, stronger than me

Danny: so when she’s out its another 5 hours worrying about where you are and what state you’re in this day is.. painful

Glen: Man I'm sorry ok I didn’t expect Jess to do this for me..or you for that matter man I feel so bad

Danny: that’s not what I'm on about to see you go through pain is enough but to know you and my wife might not survive this is what’s killing me inside…it’s the not knowing the un told that I don’t like but after this, this really has to be it now I cant lookse my wife or my best friend we cant lose our best friend Glen, Jess she’s doing this because you mean more to us than you think you do we wernt going to sit and do nothing when both me and Jess could save you that wasn’t going to happen…no way!

Mark: Dan, I know what you mean this year has been hectic, for you especially but after this everything I hope is ok Glen will Get though this and Jess well she’s the biggest fighter I've seen..

Danny: like I sais she’s my fighter, but she puts everyone before herself, guys after this we owe her so many Movie nights

Holly: well I'm in on that

Glen: and me

Mark: me too

Danny: well that’s settled then but I feel we need to do something for her like something special for when she comes out

Glen: I know I thought the same

Holly: like what?


RIGHT GUYS LISTEN UP! I need help on a surprise for Jess comment me ideas and I 100% will use one of them because I'm stuck so PLEASE! Helpppp!!!!!!!

It takes two to make love work a Jessie J and Danny O'donoghue fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now