Prologue *

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The guitar strings pinch my fingertips as I play my acoustic guitar for the first time since I was a teen. I couldn't help but smile at how easy it is to recall the old skill as my hand glides up and down the mahogany fretboard.

Eventually I begin strumming the familiar chords of Machinehead by Bush, causing my friends to laugh. A few hiccups appearing here and there from lack of practice, but nothing too drastic.

"I don't understand why you ever stopped playing Nicole." My attention turns to my older brother seated with his arm around my best friends shoulders, "You really could've done something musically."

My eyes instinctively roll at his comment, having discussed the idea of me being a musician more times than I could count in the last thirteen years. "You only say that because you needed a guitarist when I started playing."

"Okay," He pauses to nod, "Now that may be true, but I'm being honest." He smirks at me before ruffling my hair, "My baby sis could've been the next rocker chick."

"Matt, we both know that is not possible..." I sigh, smacking his hand away and placing the guitar back on its stand.

He took a long sip of his beer, eyes staying locked on mine, before setting it down and getting to his feet. "That's only because you say that," His tone was a mixture of pain and annoyance. "You could have done anything you wanted." I shake my head as he kisses Mary on the cheek, a subtle goodbye before departing for the stage for tonight's show.

You see, my older brother is in this local band that opens for larger scale bands when they play shows. This has been going on for the last five years, and before this they were playing small bars and venues around San Diego.

"Can you believe they're opening for Green Day and Blink-182?" I froze in my tracks at her question. Through all of the preparation, I never did learn what band they were opening for... "You okay Nic?"

I shake my head, swallowing a deep breath of air. "I didn't know that's who they were opening for..."

Fuck I need to get out of this building.

"You look a little pale," Mary reaches forward to place the back of her hand on my forehead, "Are you feeling alright?"

"I have to get out of here." I quickly dart around the room, gathering my belongings before grabbing Mary by the shoulders. "Tell them I had a meeting."

I only gave her enough time to give a slight nod before barreling out of the room and the venue completely.

I can't go through this again. Not now.

Just as I got my first breath of fresh air, a thick head of black hair appeared in the corner of my eye causing my stomach to churn. "Lauren, is that you?"

At this point I'm really wishing I'd stayed in the dressing room, "My name is Nicole." I keep my head down, hoping to escape the awkward encounter as I turn to race away from the building.

"Hey wait!" Fast footsteps follow me and by the time I was prepared to run, the man had caught up. "You can't lie to me. I recognize your tattoo."

My eyes stay trailed on the water ridden alleyway, not daring to look into his green eyes. "Fuck off Billie..." A sigh escapes my mouth following these words.

"Who knew," He chuckles darkly, shaking his head as he pins my body against the nearby brick wall, "Are you dating someone from one of these bands now?" There is venom in his words as he spat them at me.

When our eyes finally lock, I feel my body go limp. Ever since I first met him, his eyes have caused me to go weak in the knees. "You know I'm not!"

The eye contact finally gave me the confidence to look him over. His hair is back to its usual shade of black, and is a lot longer than it was in '94.

Sporting a pair tight black skinny's, like most musicians in the early 2000's, paired with a black button up shirt. A silver studded belt hangs loosely around his waist and a gray tie pulled everything together. I couldn't help but let my eyes linger on his wedding band though. "I see you took my advice."

His expression shifts to one of confusion as I point at his button up. "Always changing subjects."

A smug smile forms on my face as I push the familiar boy away from me, "You and I both know we can't be around each other Billie."

"Sometimes I wish that wasn't the case..." He sighs, running his finger down my cheek.

"That's your fault," With that I shove past him, stomping away to my nearby car.

His scoff echoes through the alley, along with his next words. "Your son is doing well, by the way."

I bite my lip, immediately freezing in my tracks, as I try to prevent tears from spilling over. "Leave Landon out of this."

It's like my past is coming back to haunt me.

"Why? Are you ashamed?" His voice rose with each word, "Do you realize how many loops I had to jump through so no one could trace him back to you? Do you know how much my lie affected my career? Everyone thinks I cheated on you Lauren!"

"Obviously it didn't affect it too drastically," I mutter, "You're here aren't you? With a bestselling album, international tours, millions of fans. It really affected Green Day."

He opens his mouth to speak, but stage door slamming open interrupts him. Trè glances between the two of us, obviously shocked to see me standing here. "BJ we're on in five."

"This isn't over," The dark haired man says before turning to his back to me so he could follow his band mate.

Stars next to the chapter titles means they have been edited!

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