Give Me Novacaine

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"Hey you made it!" I gave the familiar person a weak smile as Mike and I continued to make our way through the crowd. Honestly I don't know anyone here, and I feel bad since my brother works with all of them and I manage their band...

"Get comfortable and I'll go get us some waters," Mike said close to my ear before heading towards the coolers.

"Mike stop being a prude and get me a beer!" I said trying to laugh but he only shook his head and waved goodbye. I understand why he doesn't want me to drink around him, but I can't help it right now. I need it.

Loud screams caught my attention and I noticed a group circling some people, "Okay we'll play you something." My stomach flipped when I heard Billies voice shout over the crowd, and instead of following everyone else I sunk to the ground in surrender. These next two days are going to be impossible with him around, and I'm not going to be able to just avoid him.

"Here," Mike dropped the water in my lap and took a seat next to me as the familiar strum of an acoustic guitar caught my attention, "I can't believe he's playing this."

I shrug and take a swig of my water smirking when it burned my throat slightly, "You always were the sly one of the group."

"No, I just know when someone needs a little kick start to have some fun." He smiled and began singing quietly along with Billie. "This sensations overwhelming. Give me a long kiss goodnight, and everything will be alright. Tell me that I won't feel a thing..."

"So he named his addiction Jimmy?" I asked quietly as the song continued in the distance.

Mike nods slowly leaning back and closing his eyes, "When you left he went into a downward spiral. I took Landon for the first couple of weeks because of how bad Billie was doing."

The burning from the alcohol mixed water increased causing me to cough. Some people turned and shot me a dirty look, but almost instantly turned back to the private show taking place, "What do you mean exactly? I didn't see or hear anything about that..."

"Well, Billie actually expected you to stay when he said he didn't want to put Landon up for adoption. When you hadn't changed you mind and left that week 'Jimmy' took over his thoughts and actions." Mike responded lowly, "I knew he would never intentionally hurt Landon, but with the state he was in I just had to be completely sure so I went over and took him."

I nod slowly and felt my stomach flip at the thought of the last conversation Billie and I had before I left. Mike says he still cares about me, but I don't get how he could after everything I said to him.

"However, I think taking him only made Billie worse." Mike glanced over at me, "He actually showed up at my doorstep wasted and crying about how someone had kidnaped Landon."

I laid back and looked up at the sky and smiled at the memories of the times I'd done this at the old warehouse with Billie. Back when life was uncomplicated. When Green Day was still a small band trying to grow. So much has changed. "Then what happened?"

"I brought him inside to show him that his son was okay," Mike simply responded and took a long sip of his water. "We had a long discussion as he sobered up and from there he turned everything around. I mean we still had to deal with all the issues of hiding you, but once Adrienne came back around everyone forgot that Landon wasn't even her son."

It made me sick to think that my son was considered to be another woman's child, but at the same time he wasn't mine. I didn't raise him; I just gave birth to him. "Sometimes I sit here and think about what could've been if Landon wasn't born, or if I had stayed..."

"I'm glad he was born," Mike replied with a smile instantly forming on his face, "That little shit is the life of tour now. Billie is always dragging him along."

"What about school?" My head whipped in his direction causing him to fall into a fit of laughter.

"And I though Adrienne was the overprotective mother of the kids," I crossed my arms over my chest in a pout only causing Mike to laugh more, "You would've been a great mother. It just wasn't your time to be one then."

"I'm glad someone understands," I sighed seeing my brother and Mary clapping for Billie along with the rest of the people circling around him. At that moment I felt the alcohol begin to take its toll, so I closed my eyes to embrace the warmth running through my veins. Yeah, I'm a light weight but that's just because I barely drink anymore.


My shoulder shook causing me to groan and roll over, but the shaking just continued until I smacked the hand away, "Go away Mary I want to sleep."

"It's not Mary, but I can respect you being tired." I shot up when the familiar voice processed in my brain, but my quick movements only caused my head to hurt. "The shades are closed and there's a painkiller and water on the table..."

My eyes met his kind green ones before shifting to the table where an Advil sat along with a glass of water. "W-What are you doing in here?"

"Well," He shook his head laughing slightly about something before making eye contact with me, "Last night after you got wasted on the drink Mike gave you, you were up dancing with Trè. Then when I came up to talk to you, you kept talking about how you made a mistake. You drug me up here and tried to have sex with me. It's was kind of funny actually."

"I did not!" I screamed defensively. I may have been drunk but I was not that bad off.

"That's right you didn't talk about the mistake, but you did talk about how I reminded you of your old boyfriend. You also did bring me up here, but as soon as we got in her you fell on the couch and held onto my arm so I couldn't leave," He said with a smile on his face.

Instead of speaking I just nod and turn my attention to my hands. It's hard for me to look at him, but that's just because I overthink every situation I get myself into.

"So will you hear me out now?" He asked nervously trying to get straight to the point, "There's a lot that I need to talk to you about."

I ran my hand through my hair worriedly before nodding, "Yeah, I think I'm ready now..."

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