Welcome To Paradise

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"Hon," I shout through our 'house', "You need to leave for your interview!"

A month ago I packed up and left my Southern California hometown for San Francisco in order to continue the budding relationship I had with Billie.

The now blue haired boy sprints down the metal stairs, pulling a clean shirt over his still damp body. "Sorry," He replied in a rushed tone, "I woke up late." He darts around me, grabbing a piece of toast to eat on the way before kissing my forehead. "I'll be back in a few!"

I let out a sigh, watching as the door shut behind him, before beginning to clean up what I consider to be our kitchen. Sometimes I can't believe I agreed to live here, but at the same time it's kind of nice. This part of town is pretty run down, so it's always quiet, which is perfect for the band.

As far as I know, my parents still believe I moved up here for a job opportunity. They don't know anything about my relationship, and I intend to keep it that way. My mother would probably have a stroke, and my father would either beat Billie's ass or try to put him in jail, and if he tried to he could.

I quickly dry and put the dishes away before jogging up the stairs to change into some shorts and a sports bra. From there I slide on my running shoes and made my way out of the building for a jog.


When I finally got back to the warehouse, a familiar car is parked outside, causing a smile to form on my face instantly. I jog up to the door, sliding my key into the lock, and quickly opened it to find Mike, Trè, and Billie laid on the couches eating popcorn.

"Hey guys," None of them turned which made me think they just didn't hear me so I proceeded to walk up to the couches only to see a packet of papers laying on the table in front of them, "What's that?"

Mike glances at me with a nervous smile on his face, "We were offered a record deal..."

"What? Guys that's awesome!" I shout excitedly, taking a seat next to Billie who is still staring at the packet. "What's wrong?"

"We're just debating if we're ready for this," Trè answers seriously for once. He's usually the one to freak out in situations like this, or well... any situation really.

I nod and glance down at the packet before over at Billie. He still hasn't said a word and I can't tell if its from shock or something else. When Trè and Mike began having their own conversation I leaned over so only Billie could hear me, "You'll know what to do. You always do. I need to take a shower so I'll be back."

With that I pecked him on the cheek and ran up the stairs to our room, "Dude where are you going?" I heard Mike shout from downstairs.

"We can discuss this later. I want to spend some time alone with Lauren." With that footsteps began making their way up the stairs causing me to quickly strip and jump in the shower.

"Babe," I ran my fingers through my hair to make it look like I'd been in here longer than I really had. "Can I join you?"

"Yeah I guess," I laughed and turned away from the showers entrance. Yeah this isn't the first time we've showered together, but it's fun to tease him.

"Why do you do this every time," His lips found their way to my neck before he turned me to face him, pulling my arms away from my body so he could look at me, "Tease."

A smirk formed on my face, and I shook my head as blue hair dye streamed down his face. "You're the one wearing boxers you dork."

"You and I both know what would happen if I wasn't wearing boxers right now Laur..." His voice changed from his usual to a deeper tone and I felt my face flush.

My fingers wrapped around his waistband so I could tease him some more before pulling it back and allowing it to smack against his wet skin, "Can't control yourself?"

He bit his lip and took in a deep breath before chuckling, "You realize you make it incredibly hard not to take you right here right now?"

"I've been told before," I replied with a smirk before turning away to finish my shower, however I was stopped and a pair of lips slammed against mine causing me to smile. He finally gave in.

"Not- Not in here," He walked me backwards to turn the water off before picking me up and pulling me towards our bedroom.


I finished my second shower of the night and pulled one of Billie's old Tee-shirts over my head along with a clean pair of underwear before heading down the stairs and jumping on top of the smurf

"Well hello to you too," Billie laughed wrapping his arms around my waist so I couldn't move, "I'm going out with the guys tonight."

My smile instantly faded because I knew what that meant, "Why..?" I moved off his lap so I'd be sitting next to him now.  Ever since I got here I've been trying to help him stop abusing substances and alcohol but it's been hard.

"I just... I'm stressed and I need a night to forget about it," He replied running his hand through his hair.

"Babe that's just feeding your addiction," I sighed and turned away from him. I hated when he came home high and drunk. It was my least favorite side of him.

"I'm sorry," Billie whispered not looking at me, "He gets what he wants. I can't fight it."

Good Riddance || Billie Joe ArmstrongWhere stories live. Discover now