Good Riddance

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"Mike what are you doing here?" I groaned frustrated at the fact that my boyfriend's best friend showed up, and not him.

He dropped a box on the table before flopping down on top of me on the couch. I instantly pushed him off in fear of the possible child inside me could get hurt. "Ugh," he lightly rubbed his head and cat up from the floor laughing, "I see you're already acting motherly."

My heart dropped at his words and I felt myself becoming sick at the thought once again, "I don't know for sure yet Mike. I'm still waiting for Billie to get back so I'm not alone..."

"Oh," he whispers and looks away from me as if he's hiding something, "well he's actually in New York at the moment."

"What do you mean he's in New York?" I sat kind of harshly, but I didn't care at the moment. Billie hadn't said anything to me about an emergency trip over there. Speaking of which, he hasn't said anything to me since the airport.

Mike got to his feet so he could sit next to me on the couch, "His phone broke at the last show when he went crowd surfing which is why I brought a box. He had to go do an acoustic show and an interview to promote, but he should be back in the morning."

"I honestly doubt it," I sigh and turn away from my blonde friend. He may be best friends with the guy, but there are some sides of him that no one ever sees.

"He's not just going to up and disappear Laur," Mike tried to assure me, but honestly it didn't help. At the airport he basically told me to get the fuck out of there as fast as possible when he left. "Look at me," Mikes tone became serious so I instantly listened, "Billie isn't going to leave you if you turn out pregnant."

I let out a sigh and drop my head into my hands, "If I'm pregnant that means I'm like more than five months along... I would've been through more than half of this pregnancy without going to a doctor."

"We need to take the tests now Lauren," Mike got to his feet and held his hand out for me to join him, "This can't wait for Billie. He'll understand."


Mike and I stared blankly at the test and I instantly knew my life was about to take a drastic turn for the worse. "Mike..."

He put his arm around my waist for support and I felt my tears beginning to roll down my cheeks, "It's going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay."

"No," I whispered, "It's not going to be okay. Both of us know this."

The front door opened and closed, and I knew this was it. "Babe I'm sorry I wasn't able to call you, and I'm sorry I was a complete dick to you at the airport."

His footsteps came closer and I felt my heart drop to my stomach, "Mike I'm not ready for this. I can't do this."

"You can and you will. I believe in you," He kissed the top of my head and grabbed the test before turning and exiting the bathroom, dragging me along behind him.

"You're still here?" Billie laughed and walked up to hug his best friend, but Mike put his hand up to stop him, "What's going on?"

"Billie come with me," was he going to do this for me? "We have some things to talk about..." The dark haired boy glanced between his tall friend and I before following Mike to the kitchen where I wouldn't be able to hear their conversation. This has just changed from bad to worse.


I stared up at the ceiling of Billie and I's vacant room. Ever since Mike told him what was going on he's been extremely distant and hostile towards me, but I couldn't have expected anything different.

If this managed to get to the public then his career would be ruined. He'd be sent to jail, and I'd be forced to get an abortion by my parents. As a result I've been hiding out in the warehouse while he's been crashing at Mikes and Très for the last two months.

At this point I don't even have the motivation to get out of bed anymore. I just want to lay here and wither away into nothing; pretend I'm not going to have a child in less and a month.

My phone began ringing on the table next to my bed and I let out another groan before grabbing it, "Holy shit I thought it was morning..." In reality it was only two in the morning, "Mike what the fuck?"

"I need you to come outside, get in my car, and help me with your boyfriend." He said slightly panicked.

"Mike what are you talking about?" He had ended the call before I could get my words out, so I jumped out of my bed, throwing on a pair of Billie's old sweatpants before waddling my way down the stairs and to the front door. By this time my stomach had grown sufficiently, and it made most of my activities ten times harder. I slid on my flip flops, and surely enough Mike was sitting in the lot with his car running. "What's going on with Billie?"

I took a deep breath trying to calm my fast breathing. Jesus I didn't know that being pregnant meant that I'd become out of shape too. "He's wasted and I can't get through to him."

I only nod and wait for him to finally pull into his driveway, which didn't take long. As soon as the car was in park I was out and moving quickly to the front door so I could get back to my bed and sleep.

By this time I was glad that Mikes house was only one story because I definitely would not be able to go upstairs at the moment. My stomach felt weird, but I just figured it was the baby kicking once again, "Twitch open the door!" I yelled knocking hard to be sure to get his attention.

Not even a second later the door was open and Billie was glaring at me like I was the devil coming to take him to hell, "What the fuck are you doing here?" His words were coherent but slow. The smell of weed his me and I gaged at the strength.

"Billie get your ass in the shower," I was trying my best not to breathe in the smell because I felt like I'd throw up at any second because of it.

"You can't tell me what to do," He mumbled. I sighed in frustration before grabbing his hand and trying to pull him out of the room, but before I could react I was on the floor and Billie was shouting profanities at me.

My hand cupped my cheek as it burned from pain and quick footsteps came running into the hallway, "Holy shit are you okay?"

I glanced up at see Mike standing over me while yelling at Billie, but I couldn't comprehend anything being said. Pain coursed through my body, and before I could stop myself I let out a piercing scream.



"Would you like to hold your son?" I smiled tiredly up at the doctor and pulled the small boy into my arms. Billie was standing next to my bed pacing in frustration now that he was sober. We've been in the hospital for a good twenty seven hours and I was completely exhausted.

A nurse walked into the room causing me to pull my attention away from the worried boy, "Have you thought of a name?" I looked down at the small child in my arms and smile at how much he reminded me of Billie, but at the same time he resembled my mom's brother a lot.

"Landon James Armstrong," I smile at the woman and sign the papers she had. From what I was told, Mike and Billie already made sure they would be sealed away where no one could get their hands on them.

When she finally left the room it was just Billie and I, "What made you choose that name?"

"For some reason he reminds me of my uncle Landon," I whisper lowly, "He passed away from a car accident a couple years ago."

The silence takes over once again, "You're leaving aren't you?"

"Beej you already know the answer to that..." I sigh and try to take advantage of the short time I have with my son.

(A/N: This was written so shitty and I'm extremely sorry, but I wanted to get the past completely out of the way so I can focus on the present setting of the story.)

Good Riddance || Billie Joe ArmstrongWhere stories live. Discover now