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I hold Landon's hand tighter as Billie, Mike, Tre, and I slowly make our way up my parent's driveway. The four of us were preparing ourselves for the worst to occur, so we had an escape plan incase shit hits the fan early.

"Everyone ready for this hell to begin?" I mumble as the other three quietly reply yes. My fist makes contact with the door and I allowed myself to suck in a deep breath to try to calm my nerves.

"Nicole!" My brother shouted as the door creaked open. His arms quickly wrapped around me, "Who's this?"

"I'll assume you're talking about the child," I sigh and let go of the young boys hand, "This is my son Landon."

My brother was silent so either he was talking with expressions or was in shock that I actually brought him over, "Matt you're going to have to speak. I can't see."

"What do you mean you can't see?" My mother's high pitched voice shouted from inside the house before I felt two hands holding onto my shoulders, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to introduce you to Landon," I mumble and shift slightly on my legs to signal that I was feeling awkward, and as if on cue Billie took a step forward and places his hand on my lower back reassuringly.

"I'm Billie Joe it's nice to finally meet you," Billie's voice was warm and kind like it usually is when he's trying to make a good first impression, but he should've known this wasn't going to work out so easily.

My mother scoffed and I heard a smack meaning she pushed his hand away, "So you're the pedophile who knocked my daughter up when she was still underage. Makes sense, she always had a problem with you stupid band guys."

"At this point in time the past doesn't matter," Billie spat. His demeanor completely changed after she spoke and I was shocked. I expected him to continue to try to win her over, but I guess not.

Knowing my mother she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. You see, my mother was young when she had my brother and I so now she's only about forty seven. "I know men like you. You just fuck and dump, and that's exactly what you did to her."

"Are you crazy? I stayed with her through everything and even took the child so she could live a normal live. She-" I put my hand on his chest to stop him, but I could tell he was fuming.

"We aren't here for this mom. We're here for me to let my child meet you, check in with my doctor, and go on our way," I mutter and with that we were let into the house.


Billie laid on my bed as I ran my hands through my desk draws looking for my old box of polaroid's from when Billie and I lived together at the warehouse. I figured he'd want to see them.

When my hand finally hit them I pulled the box our and quickly jumped on the bed on top of the singer causing him to groan in surprise, "Well hello to you too."

"I found something for you to go through when we get back to Oakland," I smile and hand him the box, "I took most of those when I went to shows and when we were living together."

"These should be interesting then," he chuckled and brushed some of my bangs away from my face, "I love you Lauren."

"I love you see Beej," a smile formed on my face as his lips pressed lightly to mine for a split second before pulling away, "We should probably go downstairs and make sure my mother hasn't corrupted our son or your band mates."

"Probably," he chuckled before helping me to my feet. I felt slightly dizzy when he began pulling me to the door but it disappeared quickly and I assumed it was from the abrupt movement like usual.

When we got back to the living room Billie and I took a seat in the love seat in the corner of the room and Landon ran over and sat between his father and I. My mother was going on about something completely undeletable to Tre and Mike and I felt like the room was beginning to spin.

"Twitch I don't feel so good," I mumble and drop my face into my hands trying to prevent myself from throwing up. He got up and moved in front of my taking my hands into his. I felt faint, like I was going to pass out any second.

"You look really pale," he whispered and kissed my forehead lightly, "Do you want us to take you to the hospital?"

"N-no," I sigh and grab London's hand, "I love you." I knew this was it. As soon as I pass out I'll be brain dead. I wrapped my arm around Landon's shoulders and pulled him closer to me so I could kiss his cheek before moving that hand to Billie's cheek, "Thank you for the best three months of my life Beej I'll always love you," I sigh and peck his lips lightly.

The room was spinning even faster and I couldn't understand a think anyone was saying to me. All I heard was a jumble of noises together before nothingness.

It became completely silent.

I'm definitely not crying right now...

Good Riddance || Billie Joe ArmstrongWhere stories live. Discover now