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-Billie's POV-

I groan and roll over in the guest room bed that Mike, Tre, and I had been staying in for the last five days together. They wanted to make sure I wasn't going to do anything rash. Landon was petrified about what had happened, and I doubt he's come out of his room yet.

"BJ you need to get out of this house, let alone this room." Mike groaned pulling the sheets off of me. "Ugh and you need another shower."

"I'm going to get some food," Tre mumbled getting to his feet and Mike was right behind him. As soon as the door closed I got to my feet and locked it before pulling out the box of pictures Lauren had given me.

My mind still hasn't processed the fact that she's actually gone. She was literally just here, and now it's like she vanished.

A smile formed on my face for the first time in five days when I caught a glimpse of the first pictures to fall out. It was half of a photo booth strip. I remember she gave me the other half, but I lost it when I moved out of the warehouse.

"Dad," Landon's voice was weak from the other side of the door which broke my heart. He was always full of life, "Can I come in? I don't want to be alone."

As he finished speaking I opened the door and ushered him into the room. I need to put my own feelings aside for a moment and help my son. I've been through what he's experiencing right now.

"How are you holding up?" I asked taking a seat on the floor across from the ten year old.

Instead of breaking down like I was expecting him to do, he smiled and began picking up some of the photographs that were spread across the wooden floor, "She looks so happy."

"That was in the studio when we finished recording the last song for Dookie," I sighed remembering the day. The night before was when I finished writing 'She' with her help. My hand found another picture of Tre and I kissing. It was obvious we were higher than the clouds.

"Dad," Landon's voice caught my attention as he stared at the same picture, "Why do bad things happen to good people?"

His question made me sigh because I had no way of answering. I've wondered the same thing ever since I lost my father, "Sometimes the world just takes people before they're supposed to go. Your mom was one of the unlucky ones."

Landon dropped the picture and found another of Lauren playing guitar backstage along with me. It was one of the best days of my life.


"Billie Joe put me down you blue haired freak!" Laurens scream made me laugh. Her hands were pounding on my back in frustration as I hauled her around backstage in search of the exit.

"Sorry for your bad luck sweetheart," her body stiffened at the pet name and I felt the sudden need to kiss her.

When I put her back on her feet she seemed greatful, but that quickly changed to shock when I slammed her small frame against the wall and kissed her roughly. Today was the first day we'd been together in weeks because of a small promotional tour for the upcoming album.

"B-Beej," she groaned as I moved my lips down her neck slowly causing shivers to roll through her body. "N-not here."

I took in a deep breath and set my forehead against hers before pecking her lips lightly, "I love you."

Her eyes brightened at my sudden change, "I-I love you too Billie."

"Hate to break up the love fest here, but we're ready for our bonfire," Mike interrupted from down the hallway. "Also no fucking in the hallway."

"Sometimes I hate him," I muttered under my breath before squeezing her waist, causing her to squeal. "Let's go."


"That was the first day we exchanged 'I love you' to each other," I whisper happily, "I gave her a promise ring that night..."

"You broke your promise..." Landon whispered sadly, "It was all because of me."

"No," my eyes widened at my eldest sons words, "That was in no way, shape, or form your fault. I was stupid Landon. It was my fault she left, not yours."

"If I didn't happen..." He was on the brink of a meltdown and I felt like shit.

Quickly I got to my feet and sat behind Landon, pulling him into my chest and wrapping my arms tightly around him, "Landon listen to me. If you didn't happen then my life would be complete shit now. I'd probably be strung out on drugs and who knows what. You were my reason to get clean and start over. Don't ever think you are a burden or a mistake because you are in no way either."

"I think I want to follow in your footsteps..."

"What do you mean?" I question, hoping he didn't mean with the drug and alcohol issue.

Landon smiled as his eyes scanned over the many pictures scattered all over the floor, "I think I want to play music, be in a band. Mom would want me to do something I love, and music is something we all do. All I can remember was mo- Addie taking me to see you preform, and that's what I want to do."

"You can do whatever you set your mind to." I replied ignoring the change in name for Adrienne, while messing with his curly hair. "For now though, we should probably get some showers and eat."

Landon nods before getting to his feet and running out of the room, leaving me along with the memories. "Thank you Lauren. You gave me some of the best memories, and I'm forever grateful..."

One more chapter, than an epilogue.

This story was always meant to be short, but I have another Billie fic in the works.

Thank you for the support <3

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