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I let out a frustrated sigh as Billie pulls me through the airport terminal. He and I left the UK earlier than Mike, Tre, and the kids so I can see a doctor about my sight loss. I know what's happening, but no matter how many times I tried to explain it Billie won't listen. He still believes there's hope in saving me.

"Billie!" I shout trying to catch my breath but he doesn't stop his sprint, "Beej!" He stopped this time, but due to Newton's lovely laws of motion I didn't and both of us ended up sprawled out on the ground.

"Damn it," Billie groaned before falling into a fit of laughter.

"What the hell is so funny Billie Joe?" I mumbled exhausted. That flight could kill a person.

Billie quieted down before getting up me following his movements. "Nothing; it just reminded me of the past I guess."

"Lauren! Billie!" I heard Addie's familiar voice shout from a distance, but due to my lack of sight I couldn't search for her. Instead Billie grabbed my hand and began walking me towards where I guess she was waiting for us.

The two greeted each other like a normal husband and wife would which caused my nerves to calm down slightly. It reminded me that even when I'm gone soon that Billie will have people around for love and support, not just the fans. Adrienne will help him through whatever hell he could possibly go through.

"Let's get you to the hospital," Adrienne said lowly while linking her arm with mine. I guess Billie went to get our bags. "Did you have fun?"

"Yeah," a smile crept its way onto my lips, "I didn't realize how much I missed those three until I was stuck on a bus with them for three months..."

I figured she was smiling because she didn't speak again.


The ride to the hospital was deadly silent and it caused my anxiety to rise again since I couldn't see. It's different being in silence with sight, but when the world is dark and silent at the same time it makes you think.

'Is this what death will be like? A dark pit of nothingness? Or is it going to be with that heaven and hell shit that people always talk about?' My head was spinning with thoughts about death and that isn't something I should be thinking about at this time.

However, now that I went on this tour there isn't much holding me back anymore. I finally met my son and Billie and I are on good terms again. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to call it.

"Name?" I flinched at the sudden voice that was unrecognizable. Are we really already at the hospital?

I quickly went through all of the usual steps before being pulled into a room along with Billie. "So your eye sight has already gone?" The new doctor asked while closing the door and taking a seat across from Billie and I. I nod slowly before running my hand through my hair. "It seems that your cancer is progressing rapidly then." He whispered sadly.

Papers were being moved and I felt a hand grab mine tightly, and I assumed it belonged to Billie Joe. The doctor let out a worried sigh before moving closer an grabbing my other hand, "You know there's nothing we can do right?"

"I've known it was inoperable," I sigh, "How long?" From the tone in his voice it was obvious that it wasn't long.

"Due to how much the tumor has progressed, I'm afraid you have a month at the most.


"There has to be something we can do..." Billie mumbled as everyone sat together in his and Adrienne's living room. No one dared to speak as Beej ranted about how this wasn't fair.

"I want to go to Christie Road." My voice suddenly broke the silence and Billies mumbling. Everyone is probably staring at me in shock, "I haven't been there in forever. It's about time I go back."

"We can make this happen," Très voice sounded broken which made me frown slightly. He's supposed to be the one to make sad moments like this better.

I took a deep breath and wiped my palms on my pants, "I also want to bring Landon to meet my brother and parents..."

"When do you want to do that?" Mike asked quietly.

This was miserable. I felt like I was being pitied for having cancer, "Next week probably. I um, I'm going to bed."

"I'll walk you up," Billie said instantly before grabbing my hand and leading me towards the stairs. As soon as everyone thought we were out of earshot conversation sparked and it made me feel like shit. "Don't overthink everything."

"I can't help but to," I sighed while falling onto the guest bed as Billie closed the bedroom door, "No one can talk with me around. It's like I suck all of the air out of the room."

Billie fell next to me on the bed and wrapped his arm across my stomach, "It's not like that Laur. Everyone is just in shock. It's hard to process something like this."

"Beej I told all of you about this before we left for the tour," I groan and hide my face into his chest.

"We know you did," He sighed and kissed my cheek lightly, "But it didn't become reality until your eyesight went away."

"It's time I let go," I muttered lowly, "Can we go?"

"What do you mean?" His voice showed confusion and I traced shapes on his chest lightly.

"Let's go get high like when we were younger," I bit my lip lightly and sat up on my elbows, "Let's go to the tracks at Christie Road..."

This isn't the best. More of a filler chapter, but it's going to get sad soon and I'm trying to prolong that.

Thank you so much for reading!

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