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I quietly opened the front door expecting Billie to be asleep since the band had been in the studio all day, but that wasn't the case. He was actually quietly playing his acoustic in the living room, "Are you locked up in a world that's been planned out for you?" His finger slipped off a chord causing the song to go way off key and he stopped playing instantly, "Fuck."

"Billie?" I dropped my keys on the counter trying to be as quiet as possible to prevent any further frustration.

His tired eyes locked with mine causing a smile to instantly form on his face, "Hey gorgeous." Inwardly I let out a sigh of relief when I realized he was completely sober.

"Is everything okay?" I asked taking a seat next to my boyfriend. Yeah, I said boyfriend, we finally made it official about a month ago.

He nods slowly leaning his guitar on the table in front of us and taking my hand into his, "I just can't get this song right and I need it done before tomorrow."

"What's the song about?" His hand slowly rubbed circles on the back of my hand causing me to relax and nestle up next to him. Honestly this is the first night he's been home in what felt like weeks.

"You." He answered wrapping his arm around my shoulders, "It's about things you along with many other young women struggle with."

I nod dropping my head on his chest before getting an idea, "Let's go do something."

"Babe I'd love to but I'm too tired to go anywhere tonight," He groaned leaning his head back for emphasis.

"We're not leaving the building," I got to my feel pulling him up behind me and ran towards the back stairs that lead to the roof.

As soon as the cold night air hit my face I let go of Billie's hand and stuck my arms in the air. Billie quickly took the spot next to me, tucking his hands into his pockets. "Now I get where you were coming from."

"This is where I go when I need a stress reliever," I crossed my arms over my chest, "It makes me feel free. It's not me against the world anymore. It's just me."

A smile formed on his face and he turned to run for the exit, "Billie Joe where are you going?" I began running after him, shutting the door behind me.

By the time I made it into the living room he was already playing through the song from earlier, but it sounded I guess the easiest way to put it would be better.

"She... She's figured out, All her doubts were someone else's point of view. Walking up this time, to smash the silence with the brick of self-control." He stopped after these words writing them down in his notebook before closing it and putting the guitar away. "I take it I helped?"

He got to his feet with a large smirk on his face which caused me to slowly back away, "Billie Joe Armstrong I swear to god..." I tried to sound serious but my laughter seeped through my words.

"What?" He replaced his smirk with an innocent smile before charging at me.

"Shit.." I swiftly moved away and began sprinting in circles around the room to get away from the boy.

"I just want a hug!" he shouted through his laughter only causing me to run faster. If he gets ahold of me he's going to tickle me, and that is not happening tonight.

"Sure you do ya smurf," I jumped over a table and fell to the ground in laughter when he tripped over it.

I was laughing so hard that I didn't even realize he'd gotten back to his feet and was standing over me, "You think that's funny?"

My eyes widened as Billie pinned my arms above my head with one of his hands and used the other to poke my sides and tickle me.

"Whoa, are we interrupting something?" My eyes widened and Billie instantly stopped. Trè and Mike began laughing causing my face to heat up like a fire.

Billie sighed getting to his feet and helping me up as well before joining his band mates laughing, "Sometimes I really hate you guys."

"Nah man you love us," Mike said slinging his arm around Billies shoulders.

"So did you tell her yet?" Tre asked while making his way into the kitchen.

His words caught my full attention and I turned to look at Billie, "Tell me what?"

An expression of guilt spread over his features and Mike instantly took his arm away and pulled me over to the couches to sit down, "Well."

Billie dropped to the spot next to me before finishing Mikes sentence, "Babe we're going on tour."

"That's amazing!" I answered excitedly and both of their heads dropped, "Is it not amazing?" They'd been working for this since Tre joined the band, I'd expect them to be more excited.

"Lauren," Mikes voice broke slightly and with that I knew something was about to drop that I wasn't ready for. "It's a world tour. We're going to be gone for a good five months..."

Good Riddance || Billie Joe ArmstrongWhere stories live. Discover now