Going To Pasalacqua

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I let out a sigh as I crept through the bustling San Francisco airport with Billie not far behind. So far no one had recognized him today, which I was extremely grateful for. However, I wasn't grateful for the lingering silence between the two of us. Ever since I'd met the guy he was always loud, so this wasn't normal.

"Dad!" The sound of small children brought me out of my thoughts. Two boys were sprinting towards Billie; one with dark brown hair, brown eyes, and tan skin and the other with dirty blonde wavy hair, bright green eyes, and pale skin.

My lips parted in shock when I realized it was my son. He was almost the same height as me, which may or may not have caused some anxiety to build up. I really did miss a lot.

"You must be the infamous Lauren Knight," A lady with long, black, dreaded hair said as she came closer to me, "It's nice to finally meet you. I'm Adrienne." In her arms was another child whom I figured was Jakob.

"It's nice to meet you as well," I shook her hand and turned to see Billie being tackled by the other two boys. A smile grew on my face at the sight and a hand fell on my shoulder pulling my attention away.

My eyes met Adrienne's sad face which confused me, "I can't tell you how jealous I've been of you for the last ten years..."

What the hell? Why would she be jealous of me? I barely have enough money for my shitty apartment, I got knocked up at seventeen, I threw my whole life away for a guy I ended up leaving, I have no friends... What is there to be jealous of?

I guess she could tell I was confused, "Billie may like my presence, but it's you he's in love with." She chuckled when Joey jumped on Billie's back, "If he loved me, he wouldn't have chosen you before me."

"It's been ten years now," I sigh and smile at Jakob, "He has you and a family. There's no way he feels like that about me anymore."

She laughs shaking her head, "I love how you don't even see it. The way he look at you, I wish someone would look at me like that." I really don't know what she's talking about, but Billie interrupted us before I could ask.

"How's my little man?" He took Jakob from his wife's arms and gave him a tight hug. BJ was such an amazing father, it was beautiful to just watch him.

"So are you ready?" He asked with a smile. I warily glanced from him to the two confused boys standing at their fathers sides.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I whispered running my hand through my hair.

"Adrienne can you take Joey and Jake so we can talk to Landon?" I felt a slight pang of guilt as the blonde boy stared at his father in confusion. She smiled and nodded as Billie put Jake down so they could follow their mom.

Billie and I watched the three leave before turning to Landon, "So remember when you told me you wanted to meet your mom?" Our son nods hesitantly watching me, "This is her."

Landon's face was unreadable and I felt my stomach turn when the boy pulled me into a tight hug, "The fact that you're not a homeless druggie is making it hard for me to hate you." His comment had me at a loss for words, "Are you staying?"

The boy pulled back with a hopeful smile on his face, "Landon we're leaving for Europe on Friday." Billie's words were sad but excited at the same time. He loved preforming and exploring, but I knew he hated being away from California for long periods of time.

"Couldn't she just come with us?" Landon begged finally showing his real age. His arms were crossed over his chest reminding me of Billie and myself when we were younger.

He was at a loss for words, it was obvious. "I um... I don't know if she can do that." To be honest I wasn't even sure if I could do it, but I needed to get to know my son better before he gets into his teens and completely hates me for not being around.

Billie turned his attention to me causing my anxiety to kick in, "I um... I'll have to make some calls first to see if I can but maybe."


At this point Billie and I were chilling on the beach watching the kids playing around in the sand. Adrienne was out shopping with some friends for her trip home to Minnesota, so I hadn't had the chance to talk to her alone again.

I turned my attention to Billie who was sprawled out on his stomach reading a book, so I took this as my chance to actually get up and enjoy the water. My hands wrapped around the hem of my tank top, pulling it over my head, and then I slid out of my running shorts and began walking towards the water.

Someone's eyes were burning into my back and I instantly knew it was Billie watching me. The little shit did the same thing whenever I'd walk around the warehouse in a sports bra; I guess some things ever change...

"Are you just going to sit there and stare the whole time or are you going to join us?" I yelled over my shoulder and put one of my hands on my hips to add some sass. Way back when, this would drive him crazy and I'm kind of hoping it still does.

"Mom watch!" I turned my attention away from the black haired man on the beach and to my son who was paddling away to catch a wave on his surfboard. A smile formed on my face when he lost his balance and fell off.

An arm wrapped around my shoulders causing me to jump slightly, but I relaxed when I realized it was just Beej. "He gets that from you."

"Gets what?" I asked slightly confused.

"His clumsiness," Billie said with a smirk and I quickly shoved him away from me causing him to lose his balance and fall into the water.

When his head popped back up I stuck my hand out to help him back up which he accepted. "Can you believe it?" I sigh and drop my head on his shoulder, "Twitch he's our son..."

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