Brutal Love

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I guess they're right when they say time flies when you're having fun. Another month came and went before we knew it, and now there was only a month left of overseas touring before we go back to the US.

Billie and I have been as close as ever, and we've gotten to the point where we'll go into public without a care in the world now. People can say what they want about us and Adrienne.

I talked to her personally and she gave me her blessing. To say I was shocked was an understatement, but I was also very grateful. I didn't realize how lonely I've actually been all these years until now.

Plus being on this tour has made me wonder how different things would be now if I hadn't disappeared. If I would've fought it out with Billie. Who knows, maybe I wouldn't have cancer now...

Maybe we'd have more kids, but I would hope not. One was bad enough, but he was so worth it.

A smile formed on my face when Landon shifted on my lap. My biggest regret will always be leaving him after he was born, but it's going to be worse when I'm torn from him again in a few months.

"Hey," Billie whispered sliding up next to me on the couch. A smile had been permanently edged onto his face since the phone call with Adrienne.

"Hi," I replied letting my body lean into his. Billie instantly wrapped his arm around my waist to lightly pull me closer to him before kissing the top of my head. I watched as Tre tiredly walked out of the bunk area to grab a beer for he and Mike before leaving us once again. "Great talk Cool..."

My words caused Billie to chuckle, "So how long has he been asleep?" I shrug in response and Billie instantly lets go of me and stands up to pull Landon off my lap, "I'll take him to his bunk do you can rest and eat."

"Thanks Beej," I sigh and lean back slightly to stare up at the roof of the bus. When he was out of earshot I let out a frustrated groan. For the last couple of days my vision has begun getting blurry, and that only means one thing.

My life starts getting better, and this has to start just to remind me that it's only temporary. The worst part is that since my vision is already starting to go, I'll be dead in less than two months.

"What's wrong Lauren?" I jump at the sudden voice and run my hands through my hair out of habit.

"N-nothing," I try to smile but it's obviously forced, "Everything is great."

"Don't lie to me," he sighs and drops back into his previous position before pulling me towards him so I'd be straddling his waist. "You're starting to lose your vision aren't you?"

I turn my head to avoid eye contact and shake my head, "It started this morning."

"Please look at me," his voice wavered slightly but he regained his composer quickly. We made eye contact and I felt tears beginning to brim my eyes. For all I know this could be the last time I see his eyes, and that's going to be hell in itself. "I can get you help Laur..."

"Beej," I sigh and shake my head; "It's beyond help now. Plus I don't want you wasting your money on me. Worry about your family, not me."

"You are a part of my family." His words caused my heart to clench in pain, and if he kept begging I'd eventually give in and let him help. However, at this point all he'd be doing is wasting his money on a lost cause.

His lips lightly pressed against mine, but the blissful sensation only lasted for a second before he pulled away and rested our foreheads together. "No Billie, your family is the ones who have always been there for you; I haven't."

"Whoa," I turned to find Mike standing next to the fridge with a confused expression covering his face. "What's going on in here?"

Before Billie and I could reply Tre stuck his head in with a curious look on his face, "Lauren are you crying?"

"Tre close the door," Billie sighed and tightened his grip around me, "It's probably time we come to terms with that is going on."

"It's already happening?" The expression on Très face was pure sadness, "I thought we had another month?"

"We all did," I force out, "It started this morning." The two boys quietly took a seat on either side of Billie, and Tre quietly dropped his head into his hands.

"Of all the people in the world," his words were slightly muffled, "Why the hell did it have to be you? You don't deserve any of this shit."

As Tre finished speaking, the three of us just stare at him silently. Sometimes I believe that Tre is right about this, but in other moments I believe I'm getting what I deserve.

"Y'know..." Billie began quietly, "The last time we were on a bus crying like this was on our first tour."

"Y'know," I say in a mocking tone and Billies head quickly shot from Mike's direction to mine.

"Don't mock me," The older man pouted as if he was still a child.

A smirk formed on my face, "Y'know, I figured you'd grow out of that by now Billie Joe."

His green eyes darkened slightly causing a shiver to roll down my back, "Remember who's in control here Lauren Nicole."

"Don't pull that dominate shit with me Billie Joe." I tried to be serious but my laughter kept that from happening, and before I could jump away Billie had be pinned to the ground and was tickling me.

"Some things reallydon't change," Mike said to Tre as I squirmed underneath their lead singertrying to catch my breath    

I'm such a sucker for young BJ.

Sooo, Thank you so much for reading!

I wasn't really expecting much from this fanfic, but it's doing surprisingly well.

Stay beautiful.

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