Oh Love

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Ever since then things have been different between not only Billie and I, but the whole group. Tre and Mike have been going around trying to fix our mess, which was working out horribly for them, while Billie and I were laying low on the bus with the kids. He's still playing shows, but we can't go out and explore without being bombarded by reporters.

The other day a man actually had the audacity to ask him if the two of us were having an affair since I'm on the tour and not Adrienne. People really believe that he doesn't love his wife now, and it's obvious that it's crushing him.

Ever since I met Billie I've known that he is committed. He's a pain in the ass at times, and it was difficult to tell what he wanted when he was younger but he'd never cheat.

Right now I was laid on the couch in the back lounge watching some weird show about doctors while Billie sat in the main living area teaching the kids how to play guitar. I would've joined, but I've had this killer migraine for the last two hours.

I sighed when my phone began ringing on the coffee table in front of me, automatically knowing it's my brother once again. He's been calling every hour since the news reported the new 'discovery' about Billie Joe and his former girlfriend. Just as ever other though, I let it just go to voicemail. I didn't have the heart to just turn my phone off.

A knock on the door pulled me out of my groggy conscience and when I looked up Billie stood in the doorway with a goofy smile on his face and a bottle of scotch in his hand, "Mind if I join you?"

"Not at all," I said weakly shifting so he'd have some room to sit on the couch. He slid the door back shut behind him before dropping on the couch next to me and placing the bottle on the table in front of us. "Where are the kids?"

"Mike and Tre took them out for dinner. I wasn't hungry and I knew better than to mess with you when you have a headache," He said smirking over at me.

"I'm glad you finally learned something after all these years," I replied smugly.


My head was pounding and I had no idea why. Billie and I just came back inside from the roof and all of a sudden I felt as if my head was going to explode. I tucked my head deeper into my pillow and just as I was getting comfortable a body landed on top of me causing the wind to be knocked out of my body.

"Billie what the fuck?" I whisper yelled to prevent my head from hurting even more.

The blue haired boy laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist to prevent me from knocking him off, "You just up and left. I missed you."

His lips found their way to my neck causing me to squirm from under him, but it was no use. He was stronger than me so there was no way I could knock him off, "Billie please I have a headache."

"I can help," his hot breath caused shivers to run up my spine as his fingers delicately traced over my body and his lips continued to run up and down my neck and jawline. "Just give me the okay."

It was obvious that he wanted to do more, but I didn't have the motivation at the moment. I could barely keep my eyes open due to the pain and pleasure I was feeling at the moment. "I..." My words became a moan as he began sucking lightly behind my ear and flipped me over so I'd be facing him. "You're so damn p-persistent Armstrong."

"I know," his lips connected with mine and I gripped the hem of his shirt and began pulling it off.


Now that I think about it that was probably the night he got me pregnant. I don't remember either of us stopping to get protection, and it was right before he was leaving for tour. Billies hand grabbed mine pulling me out of my thoughts, and causing my head to snap in his direction. "What are you thinking about?"

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