Christie Road

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My laughter filled the atmosphere as Billie and I sat on the old train tracks that many of the teenage outcasts in Oakland went to. I had a joint in my hand taking in some of the fumes every couple of minutes. It made me feel free from all of my troubles.

"Can we just time travel back to 94 and change everything?" Billie mumbled before taking a drag, "I mean if using a condom would've prevented this from stopping all those years ago I would have."

"You poufy haired weirdo," I chuckled shoving his shoulder lightly; "I wouldn't change a thing if I was given the chance."

Billie sighed and wrapped his arm around my waist, "I wouldn't either but I really wish I had more time with you than I was given."

"Sometimes people are only meant to be moments of good memories." I replied matter of factly. I've always been 'inspirational' when high, so I guess it hasn't changed. I'm just glad I can't see anymore because everything would be spinning and I'd get a headache. That's why I stopped smoking pot.

I felt Billie shift from next to me and next thing I knew he was tickling me causing me to fall backwards only the gravel. "Billie Joe I swear to god," I yelled in between my laughter. He climbed on top of me and I tried grabbing his hands so I could catch my breath.

Suddenly he stopped and his lips pressed my mine hungrily, and instead of pushing away like I probably should have I kissed the man back. I'm literally in that 'fuck it I'm about to die, karma can't get me anymore' mindset.

My fingers tangled into his black locks tugging lightly as his tongue traced my bottom lip lightly. I let out a light moan when his lips moved from my mouth and trailed down my jaw slowly before reaching my collar bone and trailing back to my lips.

"Lets..." Billie pulled away and kissed my cheek softly, "Let's move this to one of the cargo holds." I nod anxiously, allowing him to pull me to my feet and run in the direction of one of the train carts.


I laid wearing Billies shirt as the two of us tried to catch our breath again. My legs were tangled with his and he had his arms wrapped tightly around my waist, "I'm not ready to lose you just yet."

"I know how you feel. It's like I just got you back and now I'm going to lose you again," I whispered and continued to trace shapes on his chest with my pointer finger.

Billie's lips pressed to my forehead lightly and he rubbed my arm, "Am I finally going to meet your parents?"

This caused the hair on my arms to stand up. I never wanted them to find out about Landon let alone Billie. "You're going to have to now. They want to meet our son, and will probably want to see him every once and awhile after I'm gone..."

"It's understandable," he sighed and intertwined our fingers, "As long as they don't try to get custody taken away from me I'll let them see him."

"If they do I'll come haunt their asses for being assholes," I muttered annoyed with the thought of them possibly doing that to Billie and Adrienne. "They'd have no right or reason to even try."

"They could use the fact that I'm in a rock band against me though," Billie sighed, "I'm barely around due to touring so they could say that I'm neglecting our c-"

I cut the guy off my pressing my lips to his forcefully. He just needs to calm down and not overreact during all of this. We just need to take it all one step at a time. "Let's just try to not think about something like that okay?"

"Alright," he said lowly, "So September starts tomorrow..."

My body stiffened at the thought of this. His dad passed away in this month, and now I'm going to as well. Fuck man this is going to make him hate September even more than before. "I guess it is..."


I wrapped Billies Hoodie tighter around my body as we walked back to his house. It felt like it was taking forever, but I didn't mind all that much. The silence surrounding us now was actually quiet enjoyable. Every once and awhile you could hear an animal moving in the forest around us or an owl 'who' from up in the tall trees.

Billie's fingers were intertwined with mine as we swung them back and forth comfortably between us. After another turn we made our way up the concrete driveway, "Fuck..."

"What? What's wrong?" This is one of the only bad things about not being able to see. You never know what's happening until someone bluntly states it to you.

"It's like three in the morning and everyone is still awake," he sighed. We had snuck out through the window, but locked it when we left so we weren't able to go back that way.

I bit my lip lightly and pulled my hand away from his so I could pull my messy hair into a bun, "Let's just go get this embarrassment over with. They're going to be up our asses no matter what we do now."

Before we could even get up to the porch someone opened the door and I recognized the voice to be Très, "What the hell are you two doing outside? We thought you were asleep."

I sighed letting Billie lead the way so I wouldn't fall going up the stairs to the porch, "Well we had a little adventure while you guys were talking downstairs."

Mike scoffed from what I guessed was the couch, "Yeah adventure. You two smell like sex and weed." I felt the color drain from my face with his words, "Don't worry it's just Tre and I. Adrienne and the kids went to sleep already."

"Oh thank god..."

Someone fell on one of the couches and Tre spoke up again, "So where did you go?"

"It's obvious they went to Christie Road you nimrod," Mike muttered smacking his friend.

"Well sorry that I don't pay attention as much as you do Dirnt," Tre whispered under his breath while more than likely rubbing the spot Mike had hit.

I crossed my arms over my chest before shaking my head and heading in the direction that I assumed was the stairs, "Just so you know. Twitch here hasn't lost it..." I added with a wink before running up the stairs.

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