Time of your Life

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Billie and I quietly made our way backstage to meet up with the guys. We dropped the boys off with Jason in the dressing room before heading towards the main stage, which was huge. I was in awe thinking about how they'd be playing this place twice, and both times it was sold out.

"Mike!" Billie shouted and ran up to his best friend, enveloping him into a hug. A smile formed on my face when the tall boy pulled away and moved on to give me a hug as well.

"You have no idea how great it feels to have you around again," I sigh and nod in agreement. I missed watching them preform; it's been since 1994.

Next thing I know there was a loud crash and a piece of a drum kit came rolling our way causing me to laugh, "Still getting into trouble I see."

"Am I crazy or is Lauren here?" Trè shouted sprinting over and pushing mike away to give me a hug.

His eagerness never ceases to amaze me, "So you're going to make this worth my time right? I didn't come half way across the world to watch you suck ass."

"We could suck face instead," Billie said with a wink and pressed his lips to Très as if it was an everyday occurrence. For all I know it could be though...


The kids and I were sitting in the stage wings waiting for Green Day to run on and begin their set. "How much longer?"

My attention turned to Jakob who looked tired as ever. How much can this kid sleep? He's practically slept the whole time we've been here. I guess the time change just affected him more than the rest of us.

Just then the lights went out and there was the sounds of Billie and Jason strumming their guitars to liven the audience up, "I'll be right back."

I quickly got to my feet and sprinted over to the other wing to wish them good luck, but when I got there Billie was the only one left, "I think you're late. He whispered slowly backing towards the stage.

"At least I'm fashionable," I mumble with a smirk and watch him sprint out and begin playing American Idiot.

As the set went on I found my way back to where the boys were sitting. It was about a quarter of the way through and all the boys had fallen asleep so I quickly took then to the dressing room before heading back to the stage wing.

"Who's ready to get a little weird?" Billie shouted into the microphone and began grabbing clothing that was thrown on the stage. I laughed as Trè automatically grabbed the bra and tiara while Billie got a tutu and these weird glasses, "King for a Day!"

With that things got a little crazy, and before I knew it he was laying on the stage humping it causing something to ignite within me. I hadn't felt this since Billie and I last had sex, and I hated how he could do something as small as hump the ground and I get turned on...

After calming myself down and watching the remainder of their set Billie walked out with an acoustic guitar meaning the show was over.

"Another turning point a fork stuck in the road," his voice sent chills down my spine, "time grabs you by the wrist directs you where to go. So make the best of this test and don't ask why, it's not a question but a lesson learned in time..."

I always knew he wrote this about me leaving him. At this point I didn't even know if it upset me anymore though. "Tattoos and memories and dead skin on trial. For what it's worth, it was worth all the while..."

Even though he wrote this because he was upset, I always took it as a good thing. This song was closure to our relationship, closure to the best time of my life.

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