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"Lauren why are you on the roof?" Billie's laughter filled the air causing a smile to form on my face. "How did you even get up there?"

"I have my ways," I replied chuckling slightly, "It's kind of soothing; reminds me of the roof at the warehouse."

After struggling profusely, Billie was lying next to me. "So, I've been thinking."

"Oh that's never good," I joked and he elbowed me slightly, "What have you been thinking about?"

He turned to his side and propped his head up using his hand, "What would you say to getting a house when I get home from tour?"

"Like," I paused thinking about it, "An actual house? One with an actual yard and everything?"

"Yeah, I've just been thinking about the future a lot lately. I wouldn't want my kids to grow up in a warehouse." He said quietly, "I hated it, so I know they would as well."

My mind went slightly blank when he mentioned kids. Was he planning on having kids with me? Did he want to marry me? I'm not even eighteen yet, almost, but not yet.

"Laur?" Billie pulled me out of my thoughts cupping my cheek and kissing me.

"What was that for?" I asked as a smile formed on my lips.

He pushed my bangs from my face and returned the smile, "Do you think you'd want to get married? Like not now but eventually?"

"I've always hoped to get married one day," I replied staring back up at the stars, "In the future maybe."


I bit my lip thinking the question over, "Do you really want little yous running around?" My question caused him to break into laughter, "Like just thinking about it is terrifying cause one is enough."

"Haha very funny," I rolled my eyes and he sighed, "I think it would be nice to have a mini me running around at some point. I'd be able to teach them guitar and raise them to have their head screwed on straight."

"Most of the time your head isn't screwed on straight." I chuckled, "I mean do you not remember the show you played naked?"

"Exactly," He said proudly, "My kids will be the spitting image of me."

"If that's the case I hope you don't have kids for a very long time." I joked and rolled over so I'd be on top of him.

"It might happen sooner than expected with your teasing," He wrapped his arms tightly around my waist and kissed the top of my head, "I hope not though. You're still young."

"I hope not either," I replied seriously. I couldn't even picture myself with a kid in the future let alone having one right now, but if Billie and I ended up working out then I could deal with it, "So what are the plans for Green Day?"

"I think Mike, Trè, and I are just trying to take it one day at a time." He said quietly, "Like for all we know Dookie could be the only good album we ever sell. We could be old news tomorrow."

"Honestly I don't think you will become old news," I said honestly. Billie writes meaningful songs and now that they have a following and a charted album people will be constantly watching them.

"I just hope that one day we'll have a name like Nirvana or The Ramones," the dark haired boy sighed, "Who knows what the future will bring..."

Good Riddance || Billie Joe ArmstrongWhere stories live. Discover now