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"Dang it," I groaned in frustration when I once again fucked up my game of Sudoku. Maybe I should've bought a word search instead...

"Mom I think it's time to give up," Landon whispered with a light chuckle. He and I had been locked up in the tour bus all afternoon while the guys took Joey and Jakob out to explore and get lunch, "Why don't we watch a movie instead?"

I sent him a soft smile, closing the book and crossing the room to the DVD collection that
Tre had brought, "Jesus Tre needs a new hobby."

Just as Landon began helping me search my phone began buzzing from the counter, so I quickly excused myself and walked into the bathroom. "Matt you need to stop calling me five and six times a day."

Ever since I'd gotten over her he's been constantly calling me, and my phone bill is rising through the roof as a result. He said something to someone in the background, which I assumed was Mary, before responding to me. "I wouldn't have to if you would've stayed here where you belong."

"Don't start your shit with me Matthew. I'm an adult; I can do what I want," I spat. This was just going to be the same argument we've had for the last week that I've been here.

"Yeah, but obviously you don't know when to make the right ones," he spat back frustrated, "Stop letting your vagina dictate what you do and listen to your family."

"I'm here on my own accords, not Billie." My voice was calm which probably scared the shit out of him because I only get like this when I'm beyond pissed.

Some muffled sounds came from the other end and I felt my heart drop when my mother's voice came from the other end, "You need to come back here. That boy is no good for you."

"I'm not coming back," my voice because colder with each word that left my mouth.

"What do you mean you're not coming back?" This was beginning to really piss me off and if it continues I'm going to say something I'll regret.

The phone made more muffled noises and I was now speaking to my former best friend, "Stop being a motherfucking slutty home wrecker and get your ass back here Nicole. You aren't healthy enough to be going around the damn world."

"I'm not here with Billie you dumb ass," I spat trying to keep myself calm, "I'm with my son you idiot." Screams were heard from the background and I guessed I was on speaker because I could hear my mother freaking out about being a grandmother. "You and I both know I'd rather spend my last couple of months actually being happy instead of being stuck in my apartment."

"If you'd come home then maybe you would live longe3r than a couple of months Nicole," Matt shouted with hope obvious in his voice.

I sighed and slid my back down the bathroom door in defeat. It still hadn't completely set in that I was going through this, "Matt it's an inoperable tumor. There's nothing they can do to stop it growing. I'll be blind in a about three months."

Tears were threatening to spill so I ended the call and threw my phone across the floor. Why did it have to be me of all people to get this? I went through hell growing up and now I'm going to go through hell once again as an adult.

A knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts so I moved away so the person could come in. I expected it to be Landon, but I met Billie's worried face instead. "What have you not been telling me Laur...?"

He softly closed the door behind him and sat in front of it motioning for me to join him, which I gladly did. I slipped between his legs so my back was pressed against his front and his arms instinctively wrapped around my waist.

Billie sat trying to comfort me as I cried in his arms for the first time since 1994, and in that moment I realized how much I really did miss him being around.

My hands covered my face to muffle my sobs, but my breath hitched in my throat when Billie kissed my cheek and he began singing a song I'd never heard before, "Is your heart singing out of tune? Are your eyes just singing the blues?"

I closed my eyes and allowed myself become lost in his singing. It was obvious that this was something he'd been working on for a while, "Dirty records from another time. Some blood stains on your shoes. No one really knows about your soul. And I barely really know your name..."

When he stopped I let out a staggering breath and interlaced one of my hands with his, "I-I'm dying Beej."

He was silent for a second, just sitting there rubbing circles on the back of my hand. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I didn't know how to tell anyone," I could taste blood in my mouth from where I'd been excessively biting my lip, "I just recently told my family."

His voice sounded slightly broken as he continued to ask questions, "When did you find out?"

"A little under a year ago."


Billie and I had stayed on the bus while everyone else went into a hotel for the night. It was the only way we could spend some time alone without people out of our group finding out, plus I didn't have the energy to move when he and I finally exited the bathroom.

"Do you want something to eat?" His voice was low as he turned to face me from inside the kitchen fridge, "Never mind we're eating pizza since you didn't get lunch with us earlier..."

I just sigh and nod pulling my knees in closer to my body. My father wanted me to go to therapy when I learned about the tumor, but I denied his advice.

"If you pick a movie we can just chill in here for the rest of the night," Billie added as he sat on the counter waiting for the food. I quietly got up grabbing a handful of random ones and smirked when I recognized Weird Science sitting at the top.

That was how we spent most of our night, curled up on the couch together watching shitty movies and eating two pizzas by ourselves. I hated how well he knew me even though we weren't together for a long period of time, but what I hated the most was the fact that I was still in love with him.

Kind of written shitty so I apologize for that, but we've hit the turning point!

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Stay Beautiful <3

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