Brain Stew

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January 1994

I sighed putting my phone to my ear only to hear that annoying ring once again. I'd been trying to get ahold of Billie for the last hour to say happy New Year, but obviously he's got better things to do. I groaned in frustration when I reached his voicemail again and tossed my phone on the couch next to me. It shouldn't bother me as much as it does because I do trust him, but I don't trust other people.

It's not like he's not attractive; any girl would be lucky to have him. "Fuck man I'm that girlfriend..."

My phone got my attention and I quickly swiped it up to find Très name on the screen, "Hey Trè what's up?"

"Hey love," A smile instantly formed on my face when I recognized Billie's voice on the other end instead of his band mates. "I lost my phone."

"Oh okay," So that's why he hasn't picked up all day, "How was the show yesterday?"

There was some shuffling on the other end before I heard a groan meaning he probably went to the bunks, "It was crazy. Everyone went crazy and there were mosh pits everywhere."

"That sounds like one hell of a show," I said genuinely happy for them. "You know, I just realized that I haven't seen you guys live."

"I can change that," Billie said tiredly, "I was actually thinking about flying you out for a week. I miss you."

I bit my lip and laid back on the couch, "Can we do that? We'd have to go out in public..."

"As long as you wear a hat and glasses when we're outside it'll be fine," His voice was soft and it made me miss having him here.

"Alright I'll do it."


I pulled my suitcase slowly behind me as I walked off the plane and into the terminal to look for my goofy boyfriend. My excitement masked my nerves, but I'll survive.

"Lauren!" My head shot in the direction of the familiar voice and my smile instantly grew when I saw a black haired boy running towards me. Right before he left for tour he changed his hair color again, and so far it's my favorite.

Billies' arms wrapped around me and Mike and Trè soon followed. At this point I consider them to be my family, especially since my actual one hasn't talked to me since I left. "How was your flight?" Mike asked during the hug.

"It was long," I've never flown across the country and I don't want to have to do it again, but I'll have to go home eventually.

Trè handed me his snapback and a pair of extra sunglasses before we began making our way out of the airport. Billies hand found mine at some point during our walk, and I could see groups of girls taking pictures and giving me dirty looks.

"Just ignore them," His voice calmed me down and soon enough we were out of the building and on our way to tonight's venue.

I slid the sunglasses off my face and began looking at the scenery around me. "There are palm trees literally everywhere." I whispered in shock.

"I mean we are in Florida," Billie said matter of factly earning a nudge in the side from me, "So do you want to eat at the venue or go out somewhere?"

"Um, can we eat in today?" We've been photographed together enough today and after that flight I just want to relax.

He nods and smiles turning his attention back to his band mates who were discussing the difference between alligators and crocodiles. Soon enough the conversation got heated and mike threatened to feed Trè to an alligator.

"You fuckers are violent. There will be no feeding band mates to other animals while I'm around," I laughed turning around to look at the two in the backseat.

"You're going to mom us while you're here aren't you?" Trè asked slightly saddened at the thought causing Billie to chuckle.

"Probably unless you'd like to be eaten by an alligator; I could make arrangements." I joked and his face instantly paled.

Mike laughed and took a sip of his water, "Dude I love her."

"Don't get any ideas," Billie said with a wink and wrapped his arm protectively around my shoulders; "I found her first."

I shook my head at that boy leaning my head on his shoulder to get comfortable, "You just happened to be in the right place at the right time."

"And I'm forever grateful," He whispered kissing the top of my head.


"Mike get your ass back here!" Trè screamed chasing after his band mate. I just shook my head not really expecting much more from these boys.

I glanced over at Billie who was quietly playing guitar on the other side of the room drinking a beer. The beverage made me frown, but I wasn't going to bother him with it before the show; especially since he likes being left alone before going on stage.

"Yo Mike, Trè!" My shout caused them to instantly stop running after each other, and it also pulled Billies attention to us. "You go on in five." I sighed, dropping to the couch in frustration.

This is going to be the longest and most energetic week of my life. The two left the room for the stage and Billie slowly followed behind, "Are you going to come watch?"

"Yeah. I'm right behind you."

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