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Nothing has been the same since that night with Billie. It's like we reverted back to our original relationship; before Green Day grew and before I became pregnant. Most of the time when the band wasn't preforming we'd take the kids and explore. However, today Billie had another interview so I was spending time with Tre and Mike.

"Okay now just hit the bass drum at the same time and you'll have it," Tre said while watching me struggle to play his drums. I never expected it to be this difficult, but I also didn't realize you had to do so many things at once.

I groan when I mess up once again and decide to just give up. "Tre thanks, but I think I'll stick to string instruments."

"That's how I feel," Mike laughed while looking up from tuning his bass, "I don't get how Billie is able to play as many instruments as he can."

"It's just in his genetics," I sigh and take a seat on one of the amps with a skull on it. "So how have you two been?"

"Oh the tour has been amazing!" Tre shouted while rearranging his kit since I was shorter than him.

A small smile formed on my face, "I'm sorry y'know?"

Both of them stopped what they were doing and shot me confused looks, "What is there to be sorry for?"

"I just came back into your life, and I had to tell you I'd be leaving again soon." My voice cracked with each word. "It'll be 1994 all over again, and I'm sorry."

"This isn't the same," Tre said seriously causing the hair on my neck to stand up, "This time you're really going to be gone Lauren." His face was full of sadness, and when I turned to Mike he shared the look.

Just then Billie came walking towards the stage looking like he was going to be sick and just as he was about to collapse Mike and I ran over to hold him steady, "Dude Billie what's wrong?" Mike's voice was panicked.

The two of us worked together to lay him down on the hard floor without hurting him further, and that was when I could smell the alcohol on his body. It was like he was covered in the stuff. "Fuck Beej," I sighed and ran my hands through my hair in worry, "Why the hell did you need to do this to yourself?"

"Tre help me get him to the dressing room," the two friends helped pick their band mate up and I followed them to the dressing room where I discovered Jake, Joey, and Landon passed out on one of the couches along with at least twenty empty beer bottles scattered on the make-up table.

As Mike and Tre worked to get Billie on the other couch I worked to wake the three boys up so they wouldn't have to see their father like this, "Hey guys wake up we're gonna move you back to the bus until the show."

I glanced back at Mike and Tre who were just staring at their unconscious member in disappointment. He was working on sobering up, but I guess it got the better of him once again, "We'll take the boys if you can take care of him. Adrienne usually does it but she isn't here..."

"I can do that," I sighed and watched as the five leave the room. "Billie what the fuck were you thinking?"

Quickly I moved to the bathroom to grab some washcloths as well as some cups of water before kneeling down next to the dark haired man passed out. I placed one of the towels on his forehead to try to cool his body temperature before undoing his tie and taking his shirt off to place another on his stomach and then his neck.

With that I began struggling to rid the room of the bottles. I was disgusted with even the thought of alcohol at the moment. It reminded me of how I acted when I first learned I had this disease in my head, and all I wanted to do was forget.

"L-Laur?" Billie shifted slightly so he could see me from across the room. His body was shaking and his eyes were blood shot which made me really wonder how long it had been since he last got drunk. I mean its Billie Joe; he's always drunk or high. Well, he used to be.

"Billie lay down you idiot," I groan and jump back over to his side so I can push him down, "Your body can't take any more stress right now."

He sighed and rubbed his eyes lightly before grabbing my hand, "I fucked up. I really really fucked up this time."

His words and actions confused me, "Billie what are you talking about?"

"I told them everything and I didn't even realize it," he sounded as if he was going to start crying any second, "I didn't want to tell them. They just confused me with questions and it came out."

"Billie calm down and explain," I sighed squeezing his hand.

"I-I told them the story behind Whatsername..." I was still lost by his words. I mean I always figured he wrote songs about me, so I guess whatsername is one of them but why is that relevant? "You're going to hate me."

"Hey, you're crazy if you think I could ever really hate you Beej," I leaned my chin on his chest as I sat on the floor next to him.

He took a breath before looking me straight in the eye, "They know everything." As he continued talking I felt my world beginning to shatter around me. I didn't know he meant that they found all of our files.

They know Billie and I were seeing each other when I was only seventeen.

They know that I was living in Rodeo with Billie for that year.

They know all of my history.

They know I have cancer.

They know Landon is my son...

Good Riddance || Billie Joe ArmstrongWhere stories live. Discover now