Waiting *

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My eyes roam over the bustling room of drunken young adults as tonights main act was about to take the stage in the small music hall. Today marks my second week of working here full time, so I knew to bring ear plugs. However, my new co-worker Mary was not as fortunate.

I felt bad for the poor girl, having asked me for aspirin almost every hour. It wouldn't surprise me if she overdoses at this point.

"Can I get a scotch? Or well anything, I just need to get fucked up." An unfamiliar voice pulls me out of my thoughts. When I turn, I am shocked to find a man with short bleached blonde hair staring at me with wide tired eyes.

It took everything in me not to seem judgmental as my eyes scan over his appearance, hesitating before finally sliding him the glass. He looks like he needs it... "Are you even old enough to drink?"

The man gave me a questioning look before throwing his wallet on the counter, "I'm twenty four sweetheart." My jaw went slack, "The better question is, are you old enough to be working the bar?"

A smug smile forms on my face as I lean forward, signaling that I an interested and plan to continue our conversation, "I'm not but does that really matter?"

"Guess not," He shrugs, taking a seat on a nearby stool. His hand reaches out for a formal introduction, "I'm Billie Joe."

I took his hand shaking it lightly, "Lauren Nicole."

"Pretty name for a pretty girl." My breath hitches in my throat when the stage lights hit his eyes, showing off their emerald green color.

I open my mouth to say something but am cut off by Mary, "Nicole I need five of the usual and one water." I give the man an apologetic look, quickly getting to work on the drinks, before handing them off to my co-worker.

"Working hard I see."

"Only sometimes," I reply with a smile, taking a sip of the water I'd made for myself, "Tonight's just been busy as hell. I don't understand why."

Billie swallowed down another shot before turning his attention toward the stage. "Oh, it's probably because my band opened." His words caught my attention and a smirk appears on his face, "I guess you were so busy you didn't even notice I was just up there."

"Yeah I guess so," I bite my bottom lip feeling slightly self-conscious. If he's in a band that means he probably has a girlfriend or groupies, and I sure as hell don't want to be one of those.

A finger tilts my chin up, bringing me out of my negative thoughts when our eyes meet again. "Whatcha thinking about?"

Careful Lauren.

You need to be careful with this situation. He's eight years older... fuck.

"Just work stuff." Another man comes to the bar with an empty glass, giving me a legitimate reason to excuse myself from the conversation. I take my time refilling his beer, hoping to avoid the musician waiting for me, before returning to the spot I'd previously occupied.

By now, his attention was locked on the band preforming."So, is your band like on tour or something?"

"Yeah, Radiohead asked us to tour California with them for a short time since their other opener dropped out." His smile grew as he explained it to me. "And before you ask, my band is from Oakland."

"Ahh, so you're a hippie?" I joke and he shakes his head, a crooked smile appearing.

"With all the drugs Mike and I have done, we could be." He pauses, smile disappearing as if regretting what he said. "So, are you from here?"

"Yeah," I reply, pushing my bangs out of my eyes, "I'm from Chula Vista which is just south of San Diego."

The older man was a bit jumpy, telling me he is nervous as his eyes dart around the room. "Would you want to get out of here? I can probably convince your boss to let you go."

Before I can respond, I catch sight of Mary falling to the ground, dropping her drinks in the process. "Shit..." I rush out from behind the counter to help the poor girl back to her feet, "Dude are you okay?"

Bille was right behind me, giving me the chance to clearly see out height difference. He looks to be about 5'7" or 5'8" compared to my 5'4".

"Yeah," Mary took in a deep breath before beginning to clean the mess up. Me volunteering to help her, "You can have behind the bar for the rest of the night and I'll serve, okay?"

"What? No I'm okay you don't have to do that," Her reply was frantic, obviously feeling bad for not being able to complete her job. I just shot the girl a sweet smile, urging her toward the bar.

Billie stood at my side looking defeated, "I take that as a 'no' to my question."

I sigh, looking him over once more. "If you're able to wait until my shift is over we can go out. It's only fifteen more minutes." Everyone deserves a chance, so what the hell.

"Alright, I'm going to pack my gear. I'll meet you at the bar after?" He was grinning ear to ear now, making me to laugh and nod.


I awkwardly sit at the bar waiting for the blond musician to return. My boss let me off since the band finished their set early, giving me the opportunity to change back into my everyday clothes as I wait.

Soon enough the fool jumped off the stage, jogging up to me wearing different clothes, "I like your shirt."

A smile formed on his face and his hand grabbed mine before pulling me towards the entrance, "I like yours too."

"That's only because it's the same band," I said smugly while straightening out my Sex Pistols shirt.

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