Part 108

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Randhir walked inside the study and settled himself on the sofa kept there, he hid his face in his palms and sighed painfully.

Sanyukta never stopped him from kissing or cuddling her but her face always pictured a sort of irritation , and reluctance.

Randhir was hurt , and he knew what can bring him solace.

He stepped inside their room. She was sleeping peacefully on his side. Randhir walked uptill her and settled himself beside her.

He took her free hand in his and kissed her knuckles delicately.

" sanyu I love U so much !!" his heart fluttered. He settled himself beside her took her in his arms eventually his eyes gave in and he dozed off.

Sanyukta opened her eyes and moved closer to hug him tightly " shekhawat U just wait and watch !" sanyu smirked.

Days kept on rolling. Sanyukta behaviour with randhir continued to pain him. Renuka also noticed the hurt on her son's face and sanyu's behaviour with him.

she decided to talk randhir once. But before she could do anything of that sort GOD played his card.

Thank you guys plz vote it..


I LOVE YOU -SANDHIR FFWhere stories live. Discover now