Part 126

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As evening dusked in sanyukta drapped herself in a night black saaree with blood red border and coupled it with a backless blouse which left her back completely bare , sanyukta took up extra pain to doll herself up for the evening especially for her husband, randhir.

Sanyukta's beauty reached it zenith at she lavished her parting red , and fixed a medium black bindi between her brows , she was dresses to blow her man's sanity.

Sanyukta was wearing her heels when the door squeaked open and randhir walked in.

Sanyu jolted her lashes up , and her heart beats quickened , she was waiting for him to lay his gaze on her.

Randhir threw her tie on the rack , sanyu gulped and was about to take ahead , when he dashed inside the bathroom. tears were dying to jumped out of her eyes.

But she denied them as she was decked up for him and would not allow anyone else to smudge it.

Thank you guys plz vote it..


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