Part 6

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"beta randhir is a gem at heart !! Just that he gets influenced very easily...!!" harsh hesitated..

" uncle certainly but that's undoubtedly none of my concern..!!" sanyu cleared the air.

" sanyukta I want U to get engaged to him...!! U are a perfect shekhawat as set...!! " harsh smiled..

" uncle with all due respect I deny to baby sit ur over grown illbehaved baby son..!!" sanyu clenched her jaw...

" how about a deal then...i will pay off the expenditure of ur mom's treatment in London...!! While In return U will have to help me in taking care of my son...!!" harsh happened to bang the right chord..

" I can manage on my own !!" sanyu looked away.." no U can't and its quiet evident ..!!"harsh smiled..

" sir ur son hates me and the feeling is mutual...!!"sanyukta made it clear." not really I have taken randhir's nod on it and he is more than ready to see U as his fiancee..!!!" harsh smiled.
" this is wrong...!!" sanyu whimpered.." set him right..!" harsh smiled..

Thank you guys plz vote it..

CREDITS:Original writer

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