Part 132

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Randhir slowly did the knots of her blouse and kissed her shoulder once before absorbing her in a tight hug.

Sanyu closed her eyes and rested her chin on his shoulder." I m sorry for shouting on U like that.

Trust me I didn't mean to !!!" she gulped. " U claimed that I have ruined ur life!!" his pitched trembled.

Sanyukta broke the hug and hushed a peck on his lips. He smiled , and leaned in soon their foreheads met , " U really took up pains to dress up.

Like really!! That too for me!!" randhir entwined their fingers and widened his eyes to fake exclaim. " shut up.

Whenever I dress up I dress up to kill !" she winked " en U want me to buy that!!" randhir was his husky best.

Sanyu closed her eyes and blushed hard. " idiot move ! Lemme change !!" sanyu struggled to let go of his grip.. " naaahhhh!!!" randhir pulled her closer and locked one arm around her waist and the other gripped her nape.

" let me praise and pamper U properly prettyness!!" he sucked her lower lip gently.

Sanyu hid her face in the crook of his neck and kissed him there " go freshen up now!" sanyu dragged his face up and gripped his collars.

" okay lets shower together like that day. Eco-friendly much !" he winked.

Sanyu blushed thus giving a tough competition to the reddest tomato. " grip ur fantasies shekhawa !" she pushed him and he flinched her back.

" I can't ! Just can't !!" he hushed nipping her earlobe.

Thank you guys plz vote it..


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