Part 61

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Sanyukta was busy washing the stain off her lenhenga.

While randhir settled himself on the bed , waiting for the shouts to sweeten his eardrums" 5, 4 ,3 , 2annnnd!!!!" randhir smirked"

randhir U ass open the door!"sanyu banged the door. Frantically While randhir enjoyed a throaty laugh

" randhir I said U bloody open the door. How dare U trick mein haannn!!" sanyukta howled

" open!!!" she banged the door loudly" aww baby lower ur pitch Sweetie.

Yes I will open the door. If only U chant some sentences!!" randhir smirked and mellowed his tone!." what sentences !

" came her yell" say randhir is my master and I m his slave !" he clenched his jaws" no I won't U sadist !" came her counter" okay then Wish U a wet night Mrs.toilet humour!"

randhir smirked and was about to turn of the lights ,when her voice came , " randhir is my master and I m his slave !"Randhir smirked devilishly and mouthed , " I love U , so much baby" I said open the door !!" she howled

" easy !" he unlatched the door and was about to flash a victory smirk.

when his face welcomed a bucket full of water. Which supposedly, made him all wet

"waterfall !!' sanyu giggled and walked inside the room. While randhir stood there like a wet idiot.

Thank you guys plz vote it..


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