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Sorry for the long chapter but the rest should only be two to three pages from now on.


   Haven walked to school with Karen meeting up with Eli by the corner store. They hurried in to get something to eat, Eli paid since his parents were loaded and he lost a bet back in the third grade that and both Karen and Haven have held him to. Taking a drink of mountain dew and handing the can over to Karen, Haven told Eli about the dog while he torn into the pop tarts package with his teeth.

  “So do you know anything about it?” Haven asked as he handed Eli half of his pop tart while Karen had the other one all to herself. Eli shrugged brushing crumbs from his shirt.

  “No idea, I keep up with the human population not the animal population.”

  “Humans are animals.” Karen pointed out. Eli frowned.

  “Are not,” He chimed back. Karen scrunched up her nose and glared at him. Karen being on her way to being valedictorian hated to be told she was wrong.

  “Are too, the homosapien race are not so different from any other living creature on this planet.” Karen argued with an air of superiority.

  “Expect plants.” Haven offered helpfully. Karen nodded and gave him a sweet smile Eli drooled over. “Anyway, this dog is huge like.” Haven paused to finish his pop tart. “He stands this high sitting down.” Haven placed his hand about waist height. Eli rolled his eyes.

  “Are you sure it’s not a wolf?” Karen and Haven both looked at their friend.

  “There are wolves in the area?” Karen asked and Eli shrugged then took in a quick breath and grabbed Haven’s shirt promptly wrinkling it.

  “Dude it’s the transfer.” He pointed to a gorgeous red head with bright green eyes and oh so nice curves. “Name, Mara Bellerose, Age seventeen, Class Alpha. She has a father whom works for the government and a mother who is a model. Ever heard of Stella Greens?” Eli smiled when Karen frowned at the name of the well-known model slash sex icon.

  “Her brother is some business broker working in New York and her sister is a fashion designer. Mara, Mara is working on following in her father’s footsteps. I hear she’s going to rival Karen’s brains but not her beauty.” Eli smiled at Haven’s sister who simply stared daggers at the red head.

  “Why does her mom have a different last name?” Karen asked her gaze never leaving the girl as if she were sizing her up as a new rival.

  “I don’t know.” Eli said with a shrug.

  “I assume because her mom is a whore and never wanted Mara to begin with.” Karen’s face brightened up at that thought. Haven could never get over how evil she was some times.

  “So her mom is a dead beat?” Haven asked.

  “Nope, not even close. Her mom pays for everything Mara could ever want or need.” Eli explained. Karen rolled her eyes.

  “Lovely we’ve got a princess on our hands.” Haven frowned and looked over to her sister, “On our hands?”

  “Eli did say she was in Class Alpha.” Karen said and Haven huffed in annoyance as he followed his sister and friend into the schools court yard. The school was the only one around for high school in the city so it was huge. The sprawling grounds had three large buildings each four stories tall.

  They had an indoor pool, a football field, two basketball courts and a few tennis rinks. They even had a garage for shop class. Cars would be donated or the teacher would go down to the junk yard. The school took in a lot of private donations from rich parents Eli’s father donated annually since Eli’s mother was a teacher there, she was thankfully a teacher to the Beta’s but it was still entertaining to see him duck behind people and things to hide from her.

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