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For some this didn't upload yesterday... so here have one on a Saturday
Trivia answers and more of Mara’s POV cause I still couldn’t resist.

1. Haven's school is really large, how was the school divided?

  Haven’s school was divided via grades. Honor students were Alphas and wore red, normal kids were Betas and wore blue, the special needs students were Deltas and wore yellow, and finally the troubled students were Omegas and wore purple.

2. Hunter has a good sense of smell, what was the thing he notices about Haven’s mother that Karen refuses to believe?

  Hunter notices Haven’s mother always smells like another man and there for assumes she’s cheating.


  Karen was quiet as Mara led her outside a gun pressed to her back leading her forward and out of the compound into the forest. Mara said nothing as well, there was no need to say anything Karen was going to be dead soon anyway. She’d be left to rot as all the others have been.

  There was no need for comfort or mercy, Mara had learned long ago that these things were monsters. Nothing more nothing less, it was a simple matter of keeping people safe. She learned tough lessons when children her age were still wishing upon stars and trying to stay on the nice list of old Saint Nick.

  As tradition Mara took Karen out into the forest, to die like an animal death. Mara shoved Karen to her knees. She dropped down almost willingly. Mara aimed the gun to Karen’s head and was completely prepared to pull the trigger.

  When It stopped her, gripping the handle of the gun and shaking her head,

  Ignoring It was always best. Her father told her what to do,

  Ignore It.

  Ignore It.

  She needed to ignore It but she couldn’t.

  Dropping her aim, Mara walked around to face Karen and removed the blind fold. Karen looked up at her with a calm even stare. No fear played on her even features as she took in Mara’s scars with a raised eye brow. With a tilt of her head she met Mara’s gaze as her eyes changed color.

  With a quick gasp Mara dropped her gun, “You’re-” The fairy continued to stare at her with those black soulless eyes. It kept nagging at her so she removed the gag quickly. “You’re a fairy.”

  “Not a wolf.” Karen said simply her eyes shifting back to the bright human blue.

  “But, my father said…” Mara stumbled with her words as her entire world came crashing down as It rejoiced, Mara quickly squashed It down and glared at Karen, “How?”

  “Humans lie.” The fairy answered with a quick up turn of her lips, not exactly like a smile but something close to it but so far from it at the same time. “Humans want power, they are a greedy species.” The fairy’s eyes scanned Mara’s body again, going over every inch of scaring on her exposed skin.

  “They want power that they will never possess; knowledge. They of course right it off as things like Manifest Destiney or religious awakening. They want the forbidden fruit.” Karen leaned forward some and spoke in a hushed voice. “You should understand, Wolf Child.”

  “Enough!” Mara shouted as she paced and placed her hands on her temple. “Stop talking, right now.” The fairy said nothing more but continued to watch Mara slowly fall apart. “You’re a wolf, my father said so. He showed me the marks.” The fairy laughed at that though the sound held no humor, typical of a fairy.

Grimm Fantasies: Little Red [FIRST DRAFT]Where stories live. Discover now