Déjà vu

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  The queen was staring; she’d been staring for hours, or at least it seems like it. Haven tried his best to ignore her as he mentally counted off about how many years he’d have until he died of old age; which led to slight depression considering he wasn’t even of drinking age yet.

  Haven thinks that even if he were they wouldn’t let him drink, he’d most likely die a virgin and it was that mutts fault, all of it. Haven has to blame someone, so he’s blaming Hunter for squatting in his mother’s flower garden.

  It doesn’t matter if Haven was born with a mark everyone has looked for since the beginning of time or something like that. He was still a bit fuzzy on all of the facts and details. Haven hasn’t even bothered to ask the queen any questions. The first time he did he ended up in a bath again with a bunch of fairies trying to wash him.

  He’ll never make that mistake again.

  Haven’s train of thought suddenly changed when he saw black among the white. The huge double doors leading to the throne room opened and what Haven learned were Dark Knights strolled in almost as if they owned the place. Haven slumped down and glared, he’d seen the Dark Knights a handful of times and they were always dicks to everyone, even each other.

  They stopped in front of the queen and bowed. That’s when Haven noticed one of them wasn’t a Dark Knight and was wounded. His face had huge gashes across his face but had been cleaned up and blue stuff had been put on them. But that’s not what drew Haven’s attention. Haven just sort of stared, not sure what to do or say as he stared at Eli, who stared back with those creepy black eyes and a blank face.

  He was a fairy too,

  But then again who wasn’t a super natural creature in his life now and days?

  “We demand compensation.” A Dark knight spoke getting right down to business. No one here really liked small talk, besides the royal fea who talk nonstop.

  “Compensation for what?” The Queen demanded in a threatening tone. Haven frowned at the smirk that slipped across Eli’s face then.

  “A fea of our court was attacked-” The Dark knight started.

  “Not by one of mine I can assure you.” The queen scoffed.

  “No,” The knight started, “Not by the hands of a Light Fea but of a wolf-” The queen cut him off again.

  “Then take your demands for payment to the wolf children.” Haven stood up then and just walked away, he didn’t care if it looked rude.

  Curtsey rules were different here and apparently walking away in the middle of a conversation wasn’t considered rude. Hell, Haven was a prisoner the Fea were determined to keep alive so he guesses if he walked around naked nobody would bat an eye.

  Haven wasn’t interested in hearing about what the dispute the Dark and Light Court were having now; and he sure as hell was done staring at a fairy that looked like his best friend. He’d had enough sleepless nights wondering about the little Karen sent to be sold to the Dark Court.

  Heading to his room Haven ignored the people he passed. He didn’t even notice he’d been followed until he was grabbed and shoved into the closest room; which happened to be the huge bath house he’d been in when he first woke but that wasn’t the point. Haven flailed and fell into the water as the person manhandled him and lost his grip when Haven slipped on the wet floor.

  Haven surfaced coughing and hacking out insults. “You fucking moron! What the hell is wrong with you! Are you trying to kill me because you’ll be the next?!” Haven shook his head and wiped away the water from his eyes and glared up at the Eli look alike. Eli sort of just stared for a moment then shut the door, Haven slunk away from him.

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