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  Haven ran through the back yard chasing the Phantom Menace who was played by Karen while he played Lighting, the brave hero who saves the day. Their mother glanced up every so often to make sure they didn’t go into the forest.

  Haven and Karen stayed away from the forest, Haven kept his distance because of the fairies and Karen just followed her big brother’s lead. Haven hopped onto a swing lying on his belly as he kicked the ground to push himself.

  “Whoosh!” He shouted out as Karen laughed nearly tripping on the towel she had tied around her neck that trailed behind her. “I’ll catch you Phantom!” He shouted out.

  “Nu uh!” Karen said as she hurried over to their mom. “I’m protected by the…Mom Force!” She called over to him as he slipped off the swing and ran over. Haven moved to attack when he saw something in the woods, stopping short and looking over curiously.

  Maybe his friends were back, Haven missed River a lot. Forgetting all about the game Haven went to go investigate.

  “Martha, phone!” Haven looked back to his father standing in the door way holding up the phone. His mom stood up and whipped her hands off on her pants before going to her husband and grabbing the phone. Karen was at Haven’s side once their mother had left the flower garden.

  “You’re not chasing me anymore? Did you give up? I can be Lighting now.” She offered.

  “I saw something.” Haven said pointing into the forest.

  “You’re woof friends?” Haven shrugged at Karen’s question and stepped over the small fence. Karen followed quickly stopping for a moment to untie the towel and pull up the Halloween mask.

  “It’s a light.” Karen pointed out the bobbing pink light dancing in the trees. Haven nodded and went to go check it out climbing over a fallen tree and slipping on the damn dead leaves a few times.

  Karen was right behind him, their sense of adventure quelling any childish fears. But no matter how much they walked the light seemed to be the same distance away. Karen slipped then and fell down scrapping up her knee and crying out. The light suddenly stopped moving at the sound. Haven dropped down next to Karen.

  “Are you okay?” Karen nodded as she pulled up her pant leg to look at her knee. It was bleeding but didn’t look to bad.

  “It hurts Jace.” She whimpered and bit her lip.

  “Caw,” Haven and Karen both looked up at the sound. The pink light was right in front of them, a huge bird stood there staring at them with one unblinking eye situated atop its head. But that wasn’t the weirdest part. Its chest was hallow and looked like a cage with the pink light sitting on a swing inside. The pink light was a little person with butterfly wings, “Caw?” The little person asked again.

  “Uh…” Haven stammered out. The bird thing suddenly sat up right jolting the small person a little as the bird turned its head all the way around to look behind it, “CAW!” It cried and flew up in the air vanishing into the leaves.

  “What was that?” Karen asked and Haven shrugged.

  “I don’t know.” He answered. Karen looked up for a moment before looking back down at her knee.

  “It hurts Jace.” Haven nodded and stood up.

  “Come on lets go back.” He offered his hand. Karen sighed and right after that in the brief moment of silence is when they heard it, stomping and the rush of hooves against the ground. Haven recognized it instantly and tugged on Karen’s hand.

Grimm Fantasies: Little Red [FIRST DRAFT]Where stories live. Discover now