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An early update cause I'm not busy anymore.

(EDIT: I'm not sure where the regulated updates went. I know I used to update every Friday and another day I can't remember which. But I don't know when I stopped.)


  Haven paced the room running his fingers through his hair a bunch of times until it was basically sticking up all over the place. After Hunter gave him a mini heart attack when he stopped breathing Haven practically went nuts with worry and grief.

  Then Hunter terrified him again by coming back to life out of now where, suddenly jerking back to life and gasping of air. Haven’s pretty sure he hit Hunter then just out of pure shock, if he had Hunter hadn’t made any comment on it. Haven was at his wits end with all of this.

  Hunter just watched as he lay on Haven’s bed in his wolf form, saying he heals faster in that form. Haven didn’t question it; at this point he wasn’t really questioning anything bizarre or strange. Anything out of the ordinary was completely okay and Haven wasn’t sure how to deal with that.

  Haven was just going to roll with it because apparently all wolf kind, the dark fairy court and a group of hunters all wanted to kill him for different reasons and the light court was interested in keeping him prisoner in their court until he dies of old age.

  So however he looked at it he was either going to die really soon for some twisted prophecy or he was going to be kept as a pet. No matter how Haven looked at it he was basically screwed, he was going to live a horrible life and it was going to be short.

  His arm was seized then and Hunter pulled him down onto the bed. He was in human form now but still naked, at this point it didn’t faze him.

  That’s not true,

  Haven was willfully forcing himself to look Hunter in the eye and not elsewhere.

  “Calm down,” Hunter said sternly. “Your heart is thumping like a jack rabbit.” Haven frowned at that and shook his head.

  “So?” He asked.

  “So, calm down.” Hunter said squeezing his arm. Haven stared at him for a moment before looking down, which was a bad idea. Haven stood up again and continued pacing.

  “I don’t know what to do. Is my house even safe? Everyone knows where I live!” Hunter had so helpfully pointed that out earlier and seemed to be regretting it now.

  “We’re surrounded on all sides and I’m out of ideas. I’m going to die all because of my stupid birthmark.” Haven rambled on completely ignoring Hunter who was trying to get his attention. Haven shook his head, “I’m fucked completely and totally screwed. I-” Haven’s rant was cut short with his own yelp as Hunter slammed him into the wall.

  “I said…Calm…down…” He grounded out with a throaty growl.

  “O-okay…” Haven stammered.

  “You’re starting to smell a lot like prey.” Hunter explained as his grip tightened as he pressed closer. Haven nodded and took a gulp of air and tried to calm himself.

  “Okay…okay…” Haven patted Hunter’s shoulder which in return Hunter let out a low growl. Haven froze and Hunter stopped growling, which was good sort of.

  They stood there for a very long time Haven said nothing, didn’t even move. After a while Haven realized Hunter was scenting him. Haven didn’t know what to do with that, was he supposed to sniff back or what? Hunter shifted then ducking his head down.

Grimm Fantasies: Little Red [FIRST DRAFT]Where stories live. Discover now